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Stock News Premium = Renewed interest in nuclear power plant restarts due to new Energy plans - Exploring related Stocks such as maintenance ETC.
On the 18th, the government made a cabinet decision on a new Energy basic plan. For the power supply composition in 2040, the target is to have approximately 20% from nuclear power, maximizing its utilization. The development of next-generation reactors is progressing at nuclear power plants, and there are calls for the restart of suspended reactors. There is a possibility that the restart may advance, and it would be wise to keep an eye on related stocks. <A shift in policy to "maximize the use of nuclear power"> In the newly proposed 7th Energy basic plan, the goal for the power supply composition in 2040 is for renewable energy to account for 4-
France utilizes nuclear power in the AI development competition.
[Nuclear Power] France is reported to be trying to turn the tide in the Artificial Intelligence (AI) race by utilizing its strength in abundant Nuclear Power. The French government is planning a project to supply 1 gigawatt to an AI computing facility using Nuclear Power, with costs expected to reach several billion dollars. <6378> Kimura Kiko <6643> Togami Electric Manufacturing <5631> Japan Steel Works <6370> Kurita Water Industries <6326
MITSUBISHI ESTATE, 3Q operating profit increased by 32.5% to 194.4 billion yen.
MITSUBISHI ESTATE <8802> announced its financial results for the third quarter of the fiscal year ending March 2025, with operating revenue increasing by 13.1% year-on-year to 1 trillion 47.9 billion 19 million yen, and operating profit rising by 32.5% to 194.4 billion 78 million yen. Both income and capital gains are progressing smoothly towards the company's full-year financial estimates. In Japan, the stable Market Overview is being leveraged, leading to an increase in capital gains. Additionally, the Brokerage business is performing well. [Positive Evaluation] <8802> MITSUBISHI ESTATE Q4| <7740> TAMRON
KIMURA CHEMICAL PLANTS: Summary of Financial Results for the 3rd Quarter of the Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2025 [Japanese GAAP] (Consolidated)
Kimura Chemical Plants Sees FY Net Y1.93B
SHARP CORP, SBI, Mitsui Fudosan, NTT (on the 7th) (6028-9959)
The above Calendar is just a schedule and may be subject to change due to corporate circumstances.---------------------------------------February 7 (Friday) <6028> TechnoPro HD <6073> Asante <6125> Okamoto Manufacturing <6138> Dai Jet <6140> Asahi Diamond <6156> A-One Precision <6166> Nakamura Superhard <6181> Partner A<