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Volume change rate ranking (9 o'clock) ~ SHIFT, Nomura Micro, etc. made the ranking.
In the volume change rate ranking, by comparing the average volume over the last five days with the volume on the day of distribution, one can understand the trends in market participants' interests, etc. ■ Top volume change rates [As of December 25, 9:32] (Comparison of the last five days average volume) Stock Code Stock Name Volume 5-Day Average Volume Volume Change Rate Stock Price Change Rate <7578> Nichiryoku 619100 107185.08 160.12% 0% <4465> Niitaka 980
Three key points to focus on in the first half - a steady market development from the stability of the foreign exchange market.
I would like to focus on three points from the trading session 10 days ago. ■ A stable forex market leads to a resilient market development. ■ Miraiaru, 3Q operating profit decreased by 26.3% to 1.037 billion yen. ■ Highlight from the morning session: The Ministry of Education is considering flexibility in the duration of classes, giving discretion to each elementary and middle school. ■ A stable forex market leads to a resilient market development. On the 10th, the Japanese stock market is likely to start with a slight bias towards buying, followed by a market development with a strong sense of stalemate. On the 9th, the U.S. market saw the Dow Jones Industrial Average down by 240 points, while the Nasdaq dropped 12.
Horiba Ltd., Sumitomo Heavy Industries, etc. [List of stock materials from the newspaper]
*Horiba Ltd. <6856> deepening in india with hydrogen internal combustion engines for heavy equipment, collaborating with a Belgian company (Nikkan Kogyo, page 1) - ○ *Sumitomo Heavy Industries <6302> will launch equipment for SiC semiconductors next year, with annealing processing capacity increased fourfold (Nikkan Kogyo, page 1) - ○ *Osaka Gas <9532> expanding its rechargeable battery business, looking at DC demand (Nikkan Kogyo, page 3) - ○ *sharp corp <6753> reviewing the framework for converting the Sakai factory to DC, constructed by kddi corporation (Nikkan Kogyo, page 4) - ○ *Chubu Electric Power <9502> group's JERA, offshore wind power generation.
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