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Express News | [Change Report] Mitsui Sumitomo DS Asset reported a decrease in its Shareholding in Symphonia Technology (6507.JP) to 4.85%.
The Nikkei average is down about 10 yen, showing weakness after initial selling = morning of the 19th.
On the 19th at around 10:03 AM, the Nikkei average stock price is fluctuating at around 39,260 yen, down about 10 yen from the previous day. At 9:43 AM, it reached 39,138.39 yen, down 132.01 yen. As yesterday, the 18th, saw a heavy upper price and a shrinking range, selling has been dominant. Additionally, on the 18th, American President Trump revealed that the tariff being considered for cars imported to the American will be around 25%, leading to weakness in car-related stocks. On the other hand,
List of breakout stocks (Part 1) [Ichimoku Kinko Hyo - List of breakout stocks]
○ List of stocks breaking through the clouds in the market Code Stock Name Closing Price Leading Span A Leading Span B Main Board <1762> Takamatsu G 2792 2763.25 2771 <1808> Haseko 2053 2024.75 1937.5 <1949> Sumitomo Electric Construction 4910 4883.75 4795 <2168> Pasona 2020 2014.52 2003 <2209> Imuraya G 2460 2453.25 2435
List of conversion stocks (Part 2)
○ List of Stocks Converted to Sell Market Code Stock Name Closing Price SAR Main Board <1929> Nichitokuken 1042 1089 <1968> Taiheiyo Electric 46854950 <1975> Asahi Kogyo 21272295 <2060> Feed One 788861 <2109> DM Mitsui Sugar 34153510 <2317> Systema 341363 <262A> Inter-Mestic 21272573 <
Sinfonia Technology: Summary of Financial Results for the 3rd Quarter of the Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2025 [Japanese GAAP] (Consolidated)
Express News | [Change Report] American Capital Research reported that the shareholding of Symphony Technology (6507.JP) has increased to 6.71%.