Sanken Electric: Sanken Electric has successfully developed a leading-edge MCU chip, utilizing TSMC’s 22ULL RRAM specialty process and featuring a RISC-V CPU core.
Sanken Electric: On the development of advanced microcontroller units for power electronics control using TSMC's 22nm ultra-low leak process and RRAM technology
Sanken Electric: Notice regarding the recording of non-operating income and a decrease in non-operating expenses (foreign exchange losses)
Sanken Electric: SANKEN REPORT 2024
Sanken Electric: Sanken Report 2024
Sanken Electric: Notice regarding the closure of the Shiga Plant of Ishikawa Sanken Co., Ltd. and the expected recording of extraordinary losses
Sanken Electric: Briefing materials about our group
Sanken Electric: (Progress of disclosure matters) Notice regarding changes in consolidated subsidiaries (third-party allotment of shares) and notice regarding recording of extraordinary losses
Sanken Electric: Announcements of individual stocks regarding the recording of non-operating expenses and special profits.
Sanken Electric: [Postponed] Corporate Governance Report
Sanken Electric: Announcements of individual stocks regarding the expected amount of net cash following the partial sale of equity in an affiliate company accounted for using the equity method.
Sanken Electric: Announcements of individual stocks regarding the determination of the number of shares sold and the selling price of Allegro MicroSystems, Inc.'s shares in the progress of disclosure matters.
Sanken Electric: Independent Officer Notification Form
Sanken Electric: (Correction) Partial Corrections to the “Notice Concerning Interim Dividends and Missing Distributable Amounts for the Fiscal Year Ending March 2024”
Sanken Electric: Notice regarding changes in officers
Sanken Electric: Concepts and policies, etc. relating to the reduction of investment units
Sanken Electric: Notice regarding interim dividends and loss of distributable amounts for the fiscal year ending March 2024
Sanken Electric: (Progress of disclosure matters) Notice regarding changes in consolidated subsidiaries (third-party allotment of shares)
Sanken Electric: Notice regarding dissolution of consolidated subsidiaries due to discontinuation of production and end of sales of switching power supply products (old unit products)
Sanken Electric: Notice regarding the effects of the Reiwa 6 Noto Peninsula Earthquake