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Hengshuo Co., Ltd. (688416.SH): A total of 0.8169% of shares have been repurchased.
On February 6, Gelonghui reported that Hengshuo Co., Ltd. (688416.SH) announced that as of January 31, 2025, the company repurchased 675,036 shares of its own stock through the centralized bidding trading method on the Shanghai Exchange, accounting for 0.8169% of the company's total share capital of 82,637,279 shares. The highest price for the repurchase was 39.60 yuan per share, the lowest price was 31.53 yuan per share, and the total amount paid was 24,676,643.83 yuan (excluding stamp tax, trading commissions, and other transaction costs).
Zbit Semiconductor (SHSE:688416) Is In A Good Position To Deliver On Growth Plans
2024 Annual Results Forecast
Hengshuo Co., Ltd. (688416.SH): Expected net loss of approximately 0.157 billion yuan in 2024.
On January 17, Gelonghui reported that Hengshuo Co., Ltd. (688416.SH) announced that (1) according to preliminary calculations by the financial department, it is estimated that the net income attributable to the owners of the parent company for the year 2024 will decrease compared to the same period last year (statutory disclosure data), with a net income of approximately -157 million yuan. (2) It is estimated that the net income attributable to the owners of the parent company for the year 2024, after deducting non-recurring gains and losses, will be approximately -174 million yuan. During the reporting period, the company adopted a strategy to maintain market share by increasing sales efforts compared to the same period last year.
Hengshuo Co., Ltd. (688416.SH): The integrated computing chip is still in the research and development stage.
On December 30, Gelonghui reported that Hengshuo Co., Ltd. (688416.SH) stated on the investor interaction platform that the company's integrated storage and computing chip is still in the research and development stage.
Hengshuo Co., Ltd. (688416.SH): Tianying Hexing has cumulatively reduced its Shareholding by 0.89%.
Gelonghui, December 27丨Hengshuo Co., Ltd. (688416.SH) announced that it has received a notice letter from its Shareholder Tianying Hesheng regarding the completion of the Shareholding reduction plan and the results. As of December 26, 2024, Tianying Hesheng has cumulatively reduced its shares in the company by 738,127 shares through centralized bidding, accounting for 0.89% of the company's total share capital. This Shareholding reduction plan has been completed.