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List of converted stocks (Part 2) [List of converted stocks for Parabolic Signal]
○ List of stocks that have turned to Buy in the market Code Name Closing Price SAR Main Board <5698> EnviPro HD 396 361 <5757> CK San-Etsu 391 03710 <5803> Fujikura 694 35788 <5821> Hiraoka Hute 155 61455 <5852> Aresti 608 579 <5911> Yokogawa B HD 274 22690 <5933> Alinco 102 11004 <6
API, Ryohin Keikaku ETC (Additional) Rating
Upgrades - Bullish Code Stock Name Securities Company Previous After ---------------------------------------------------------------- <4568> Daiichi Sankyo Mizuho "Hold" "Buy" <6768> Tamura Manufacturing Morgan Stanley "Equal Weight" "Overweight" Downgrades - Bearish Code Stock Name Securities Company Previous After --------------------------------------------
Rating information (investment determination change - part 1) = Symphonia, Astroscope, ETC.
SMBC Nikko Securities (3 levels: 1 > 2 > 3) Symphony <6507.T> — New "1", 10,400 yen Tokyo Instrument <7721.T> — New "1", 4,100 yen Mizuho Securities (3 levels: Buy > Hold > Underperform) Astro Scape <186A.T> — New "Buy", 1,400 yen Daiichi Sankyo <4568.T> — "Hold" → "Buy", 5,700 yen → 5,900 yen Morgan Stanley MUFG Securities (3 levels: Overweight > Equal Weight
Rating [Securities company ratings]
Upgraded - Bullish code stock name brokerage company previous change after------------------------------------------------------- <8334> Gunma Silver SBI "Hold" "Buy" <8411> Mizuho SBI "Hold" "Buy" <4568> Daiichi Sankyo Mizuho "Hold" "Buy" <6768> Tamura Manufacturing Morgan Stanley "Equal Weight" "Overweight" <1925> Daiwa House CLSA "Hold" "Outperform" Downgraded - Bearish code.
<Rating Change Observation> Upgraded ratings for Shinri and AstroSke / Tamura, downgraded rating for Kyoto FG, etc.
◎ New and resuming Astro Skate <186A.T> - The bank's top rating is Asahi <2502.T> - The U.S. firm has the highest rating for Kirin HD <2503.T> - The U.S. firm is in the middle rating for Coca-Cola <2579.T> - The U.S. firm has the highest rating for Suntory BF <2587.T> - The U.S. firm is in the middle rating for JT <2914.T> - The U.S. firm is in the middle rating for SWCC <5805.T> - The U.S. firm rates "Buy" for Symphony <6507.T> - Domestic.
List of conversion stocks [List of conversion stocks for parabolic signals]
○ List of stocks that have shifted to Buy market Code Stock Name Closing Price SAR Main Board <1515> Nippon Steel Mining 4545 4360 <1963> JGC Holdings 13411253 <2120> LIFULL 197178 <2371> 23082266 <2440> Gurunavi 264246 <2678> Askul 16371606 <2931> Euglena 419381 <3103> Unitika 1451