INEST: Notice regarding mergers and acquisitions between consolidated subsidiaries (subsidiary companies) and changes in specific subsidiaries
INEST: Online IR event for individual investors hosted by Growth Capital “Get to Know 4 Notable Listed Ventures Together in 2 Hours!!” Speaker announcements
INEST: Bylaws as of June 28, 2024.
INEST: Regarding matters related to dominant shareholders.
INEST: Notice regarding partial changes to the Articles of Incorporation
INEST: Announcement of the release of the video “Future Management Policy”
INEST: INEST Co., Ltd. Future Management Policy
INEST: Notice of commencement of handling demand control systems from the corporate energy solutions business
INEST: Notice regarding reporting segment changes
INEST: Announcement of the launch of the new brand “Clascherge Lifestyle Advisor”
INEST: Articles of Incorporation 2024/01/23
INEST: Stock Transfer Report Affirmations Relating to Third-Party Allotments (New Shares)
INEST: Announcement of the introduction of “Biz Air+5G” breaking through 3,000 stores and the start of sales of the new product “BizAir +5G for WiMAX”
INEST: Notice regarding loan of funds
INEST: Announcement of the release of the new brand “Lifestyle Advisor Global”
INEST: Notice Concerning Decisions on the Date, Time, and Proposals, etc. of Extraordinary General Shareholders' Meetings and Types of General Shareholders' Meetings by Ordinary Shareholders
INEST: Notice of commencement of offering the “Smartphone Safety Pack”
INEST: (Correction) Partial correction to the “Notice Concerning Reduction in the Amount of Capital (Capital Reduction)”
INEST: Notice Concerning Setting a Reference Date for Extraordinary General Shareholders' Meetings and Convocation of Type General Shareholders' Meetings by Ordinary Shareholders
INEST: Notice regarding partial changes to the Articles of Incorporation