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Financial Products Unit Introduces HondaJet Elite II
Financial Partners Group Enters Partnership With FC Imabari
List of conversion stocks (part 2) [List of stocks converting with Parabolic Signals]
○ List of stocks switching to Sell Market Code Stock Name Closing Price SAR Main Board <1878> Daito Kentaku 16635 17225 <1949> Sumitomo Electric Construction 49955190 <1964> Chugai Boiler 33553565 <1973> NESSIC 33153420 <2124> JACR 684704 <2127> Japan M&A 609729 <2292> S FOODS 2513 2570 <2590>
List of cloud break stocks (Part 2) [Ichimoku Kinko Hyo - List of cloud break stocks]
○ List of stocks breaking below the clouds Market Code Stock Name Closing Price Leading Span A Leading Span B Tokyo Main Board <1433> Bestera 964 989 972.5 <2053> Chubu Fodder 1307 1308 1385.5 <2108> Beet Sugar 2365 2374.5 2510 <2127> Japan M&A 6096 51.7 644.5 <2163> Artona 1850 1952.5 1862 <2
Stocks that moved the previous day part2: Mars GHD, GFC, Nifty Life, ETC.
Stock Name <Code> 31st Closing Price ⇒ Compared to the Previous Day Hino Motors <7205> 510.0 -71.1 Operating profit upward revision but final loss is expected to expand. FPG <7148> 2549 -254 Q1 operating profit decline results are disappointing. Mars GHD <6419> 3180 -310 Lack of surprises in the financial results feels exhausted. Oriental Land Co., Ltd. Unsponsored ADR <4661> 3501 -195 Expectation exceeding market for the 10-12 month period but concerns remain about visitor trends. Fuji HD <4676> 2191 -9.
Financial Partners Reports 14% Decline in Fiscal Q1 Attributable Profit; Shares Drop 9%