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<Today's Individual Materials> EED, Kyoken Pharmaceuticals, Asahi Organic Materials, WACUL ETC (Announcement on the 26th)
▽ EID <6038.T>, revised the ordinary Dividends to 16 yen at the end of the fiscal year in June 2025, adding a commemorative Dividends of 6 yen for the 25th anniversary, making a total of 22 yen (the previous period had an ordinary Dividends of 14 yen). At the same time, a commemorative Shareholder benefit will be implemented, presenting a Quo Card worth 10,000 yen to Shareholders holding 500 shares or more. ▽ Kaken Pharmaceutical <4521.T> set a maximum acquisition limit of 1.8 million shares (4.52% of the total issued shares excluding treasury stock) and a 9 billion yen share buyback limit, and as of May 30, 1.8 million shares (3.91% of the issued shares before cancellation) were canceled. ▽
Key points of interest for the PTS on the 26th = Japan Electric Technology, Hibino, Kobayashi Kogyo, ETC.
▽ Japan Electric Technology <1723.T> has revised its Financial Estimates and Dividends (increased dividends) and has reviewed its mid-term management plan (financial targets) and long-term management guidelines (performance targets). ▽ GFA <8783.T> announced the borrowing of funds associated with its participation in project financing for energy storage development projects. ▽ Confiden <7374.T> acquired the Stocks of Let's Eye (Kita-ku, Osaka), which operates a staffing and recruitment business, making it a consolidated subsidiary. ▽ Hibino <2469.T> sells audio and video equipment in Singapore.
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