Topy Industries: Notice Regarding Result of Purchase of Treasury Stock through Off-Auction Own Share Repurchase Trading System (ToSTNeT-3)
Topy Industries: Notice Regarding Purchase of Treasury Stock through Off-Auction Own Share Repurchase Trading System (ToSTNeT-3)
Topy Industries: Notice Regarding Recording of Extraordinary Income (Gain on Sale of Investment Securities)
Topy Industries: Notice regarding the recording of special profit (profit from sale of investment securities)
Topy Industries: Notice of Decision on the Acquisition of Treasury Stock
Topy Industries: Consolidated Basis Results of the Third Quarter for FY2024
Topy Industries: Consolidated Basis Results of the First Half for FY2024
Topy Industries: Notice of Difference between Consolidated Financial Forecasts and Actual Results and Revision to Consolidated Financial Forecasts
Topy Industries: Notice of Reduction Targets Setting for Cross-Shareholdings
Topy Industries: Notice of setting reduction targets for strategic holdings
Topy Industries: TOPY Report 2024
Topy Industries: Consolidated performance for Q1 of fiscal year 2024.
Topy Industries: Announcements of individual stocks regarding the appointment of a special committee member based on the response policy (takeover defense) for large-scale purchases of our company's stocks.
Topy Industries: Regarding matters related to dominant shareholders.
Topy Industries: Notice Concerning Decisions on Matters Relating to Stock Acquisition in the Performance-Linked Stock Remuneration System
Topy Industries: Independent Officer Notification Form
Topy Industries: Notice regarding dividends from surplus funds
Topy Industries: [Postponed] Notice regarding the recording of stock valuation losses for affiliated companies (unconsolidated)
Topy Industries: [Delayed] Announcement of impairment losses
Topy Industries: [Postponed] Notice regarding differences between individual earnings forecasts and actual results and revisions to dividend forecasts