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Hirogin Holdings: (Correction) Partial Corrections to “Summary Financial Results for the 2nd Quarter (Interim Period) of the Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2025 [Japanese GAAP] (Consolidated)”
List of conversion stocks (Part 3) [List of parabolic signal conversion stocks]
○ List of stocks for buy conversion market Code Stock name Closing price SAR Tokyo main board <6727> Wacom 726 685<6728> Albak 6502 5880<6740> JDI 2118<6744> Nomi Bosai 3075 2788<6745> Hochiki 2414 2276<6758> Sony Group Corp 3070 2942<6841> Yokogawa Denki 3497 3324<6871> Microni
An 'Abnormally' Good Interest Deal in Low-Rates Japan Just Got Canceled
List of Cloud Breakout Stocks [Ichimoku Balance Table, List of Cloud Breakout Stocks]
○ List of breakout stocks in the market Code Stock Name Closing Price Leading Span A Leading Span B TSE Main Board <1821> Misumi Construction 405 403.75 399.5 <1887> Japan Land Development 5075 5054 88 <2002> Nisshin Flour Milling 1844 1798.25 1841.5 <2461> Funko 417 415.25 407.5 <2594> Key Coffee 2063 2016 205
Hirogin Holdings: Confirmation letter
Hirogin Holdings: Half Year Report - 5th Term (2024/04/01 - 2025/03/31)
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