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Netprote, Daiwa Securities raises the Target Price to 530 yen.
On the 25th, Daiwa Securities maintained the investment rating of Net Protections Holdings <7383.T> at "2" (the second highest on a five-point scale). The Target Price has been raised from 340 yen to 530 yen, taking into account the improvement in profitability and the acquisition of member stores. Provided by Wealth Advisor Inc.
Petroleum resources, light industry, etc. (additional) Rating
Upgraded - Bullish Code Stock Name Brokerage Firm Previous Changed After-------------------------------------------------------------<268A> Rigaku Nomura "Hold" "Buy" <3626> TIS GS "Hold" "Buy" <4528> Ono Pharmaceutical City "3" "2" <6752> Panasonic HD Morgan Stanley "Equal Weight" "Over Weight" <7735> Screen Morgan Stanley "Equal Weight" "Over Weight"
Rating information (Target Price change - Part 1) = Nisshin Oil, Oji Holdings, ETC.
◎ Nomura Securities (three-stage: Buy > Neutral > Reduce) Nichiyo <4403.T> -- "Buy" → "Buy", 2,880 yen → 2,960 yen M&A Cap <6080.T> -- "Buy" → "Buy", 4,400 yen → 4,500 yen SMC <6273.T> -- "Buy" → "Buy", 95,000 yen → 80,000 yen CKD <6407.T> -- "Buy" → "Buy", 4,000 yen → 3,400 yen Yokogawa Electric <6841.T> -- "Buy" → "Buy",
The Nikkei average rose by 41 yen, rebounding for the first time in three days, as the yen appreciated temporarily following comments from Governor Ueda of the Bank of Japan = 21st morning session.
On the 21st, the Nikkei average during the morning session rose by 41.30 yen compared to the previous day, reaching 38,719.34 yen, marking a rebound for the first time in three days. The TOPIX (Tokyo Stock Price Index) also increased slightly by 0.37 points to 2,734.97 points. The Nikkei average started trading under selling pressure from the morning due to a decline in US stocks on the 20th. It continued to trade weakly, influenced by the yen's appreciation against the dollar. However, during the House of Representatives budgetary committee, Bank of Japan Governor Kazuo Ueda stated that "if long-term interest rates rise sharply, the bank will increase government bond purchases flexibly."
Net Protections Holdings Announces Upward Financial Revisions
List of conversion stocks (part 2) [List of stocks converting with Parabolic Signals]
○ List of stocks that have switched to Sell market Code Stock Name Close SAR Tokyo Main Board <1605> INPEX 1876 1945 <1814> Daisue Construction 17591830 <1930> Hokuriku Electric Industry 12151246 <1941> Chudenko 33153415 <2148> ITM 16871738 <2157> Koshidaka HD 10741166 <2325> NJS 41504535 <2331>