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List of cloud breakout stocks (Part 1) [Ichimoku Kinko Hyo Cloud Breakout Stock List]
○ List of stocks above the clouds Market Code Stock Name Closing Price Leading Span A Leading Span B main board <1941> Chudenko 3335 3332.5 3145 <2590> DyDo 3290 3000 62837.5 <3593> Hogi Media 4750 4735 4432.5 <3741> Secc 4200 4198.75 3882.5 <3774> IIJ 2994 2966.5 2707 <
Stocks that moved the previous day include LA Holdings, Mitsui E&S, Kao, etc.
Stock name <code> Closing price on the 26th ⇒ Ricoh <7752> 1724.5 +36.5 Fiscal year ending March 25 profit forecast revised upward. Stanley Electric <6923> 2600 +47 Mitsubishi Electric Mobility and a joint venture company established with basic agreement. Mitsubishi Shoji <8058> 2566 -70.5 Domestic securities lower investment rating and target stock price. Takasho <7590> 441 -36 Operating profit and loss for the third quarter cumulative turns into a deficit of 0.169 billion yen, compared to a profit of 0.007 billion yen in the first half.
Japanese stock buybacks this week (11/18~11/22)
――――11/18――――$Morinaga(2201.JP)$ will buy back up to 3.86 million shares, 4.3% of its outstanding shares (excluding its own shares), for an amount of JPY¥ 10 billion.――――11/19――――$Sompo Holdings(8630.
Stocks that moved the previous day part1: BTM, Kaiom, ID&EHD, etc.
Stock Name <Code> Close on the 21st ⇒ Compared to previous day Japan Sokaifa G<7814> 445 +27 Announced a share buyback and tender offer with a maximum limit of 3.09% of the issued shares. Acquired 2.86% today. Pacific Semiconductor<5233> 3566 +131 Domestic securities firms raise investment ratings and target stock prices. Osaki Electric<6644> 764 -35 Domestic securities firms downgrade ratings reflecting stock price increases. BTM<5247> 1567 +300 Establishment of a subsidiary specializing in AI technology field. Kaio
Foster Den, Koseido HD, Mitsusakura Kogyo, etc.
<6644> Osaki Electric fell sharply by 35 points to 764. Ichitoyo Securities has downgraded the rating from 'A' to 'B' and set the fair value at 900 yen. Although there have been no changes to financial estimates, it seems to reflect the rise in stock price. On the other hand, continued attention is being paid to the full-scale contribution of revenue from second-generation smart meters. In the domestic measurement and control business, smart meters are in a transitional period until the introduction of second-generation units, and it is expected that performance will continue to fluctuate through the end of March 2026.
Digest of hot stocks (morning session): Foster Electric, Koisaido HD, Axle M, etc.
Foster Electric <6794>: ¥1486 (-¥333) Sharp decline. The company held a briefing on the first half financial results the previous day, as well as announcing the mid-term business plan. In the mid-term plan, the final year March 2028 revenue target is ¥150 billion (¥135 billion forecast for March 2025), operating profit ¥9 billion (¥6.5 billion), aiming for ROE 8.0%, and strengthening shareholder return measures such as increasing the dividend payout ratio to 40% and setting a lower limit of 2% for DOE. However, with limited surprises in the target numbers, 2
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