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Keiyo Gas --- Establishment of "Ichikawa Clean Energy Corporation"
On the 18th, Keiyo Gas <9539> announced the establishment of the regional new electrical utility company "Ichikawa Clean Energy" in collaboration with Chiba Bank <8331> on January 23, 2025.
Petroleum resources, light industry, etc. (additional) Rating
Upgraded - Bullish Code Stock Name Brokerage Firm Previous Changed After-------------------------------------------------------------<268A> Rigaku Nomura "Hold" "Buy" <3626> TIS GS "Hold" "Buy" <4528> Ono Pharmaceutical City "3" "2" <6752> Panasonic HD Morgan Stanley "Equal Weight" "Over Weight" <7735> Screen Morgan Stanley "Equal Weight" "Over Weight"
BOJ Nearing End of Bank Stock Sales Shifts Focus to ETF Assets
Mitsukoshi Isetan, Tsumura, ETC (additional) Rating
Upgraded - Bullish Code Stock Name Brokerage Firm Previous After ------------------------------------------------------------ <8697> JPX GS "Sell" "Hold" <9719> SCSK City "2" "1" Downgraded - Bearish Code Stock Name Brokerage Firm Previous After ------------------------------------------------------------
The Chiba Bank's Nine Month Attributable Profit Rises 9%
List of conversion stocks (Part 2)
○ List of Stocks Converted to Sell Market Code Stock Name Closing Price SAR Main Board <1929> Nichitokuken 1042 1089 <1968> Taiheiyo Electric 46854950 <1975> Asahi Kogyo 21272295 <2060> Feed One 788861 <2109> DM Mitsui Sugar 34153510 <2317> Systema 341363 <262A> Inter-Mestic 21272573 <