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Ricoris, SBI Securities has initiated coverage with a "Buy" rating.
SBI Securities initiated coverage of Ricoh Lease <8566.T> with a rating of Buy as of the 14th. The Target Price is 6,200 yen. It is believed that expectations for future improvements in the Dividends yield have not been factored in. Provided by Wealth Advisor Inc.
<Rating Change Observation> Upgraded Ricoh's and Atmos' ratings, while downgraded Story Corp's ratings, ETC.
◎ New and reopened D Garage <4819.T> -- Internet companies are in the middle of the three stages of Fujitoyo Lease <8424.T> -- Internet companies are in the middle of the three stages of Mizuho Lease <8425.T> -- Internet companies are in the middle of the three stages of Ricoh Lease <8566.T> -- Internet companies are at the top of the three stages of Mitsubishi HC Capital <8593.T> -- Internet companies are in the middle of the three stages ◎ Upgrade Taiki Company <1979.T> -- Bank companies are at the top of the three stages Bridgestone <5108.T> -- Domestic mid-sized companies are at five stages.
List of conversion stocks (part 2) [List of stocks converting with Parabolic Signals]
○ List of stocks for Sell conversion Market Code Stock Name End Price SAR Main Board <167A> RYOSAN RYOYO 2505 2637 <1726> Bru. HD 340348 <1808> Haseko 19782081 <1813> Fudo Tetra 22062293 <1833> Okumura Group 42504415 <1873> Japan House HD 322331 <1885> Toa Construction 13191458 <1942> Kansai Electric Company 24
Ricoh Leasing: Summary of financial results for the 3rd quarter of the fiscal year ending March 31, 2025 [Japanese GAAP] (consolidated) (completion of mid-term review by certified public accountants, etc.)
Ricoh Leasing Reports Improved Profitability Despite Decline in Sales
Ricoh Leasing: Summary of financial results for the 3rd quarter of the fiscal year ending 2025/3 (2024)