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Mizuho Lease Research Memo (2): Mizuho Group's major leasing company.
■Company Overview Mizuho Lease <8425> is a major leasing company of the Mizuho Group. By actively utilizing M&A and alliances centered on collaboration with the Mizuho Group and Marubeni, the company not only accelerates growth through an inorganic strategy but also aims to create new business areas to become a "company that grows beyond the boundaries of finance." The Mizuho Lease Group consists of the company and over 200 subsidiaries and affiliates, and operates globally. The main consolidated subsidiaries are
Ricoh Leasing: Half Year Report - 49th Term (2024/04/01 - 2025/03/31)
Ricoh Leasing: Confirmation letter
List of stocks with cleared clouds (Part 2) [Ichimoku Kinko Hyo: List of Stocks with Cleared Clouds]
Top breakthrough stocks list in the market Code Stock Name Closing Price Leading Span A Leading Span B Tokyo Stock Exchange Main Board <8334> Gunma silver 955 920.5 907 <8341> Shichiju-nana silver 4264 3938.75 4200 <8381> San'in Godo silver 1297 1240 1257.5 <8388> Awa silver 2565 2516 2532 <8392> Oita silver 3240 3203.75 2983 <84
Ricoh Leasing's Path to Sustainable Growth and Innovation
Ricoh Leasing to Dispose of Treasury Shares for Stock-Based Remuneration