5.52BMarket Cap14.64P/E (TTM)
13.980High13.840Low60.50KVolume13.900Open13.900Pre Close840.88KTurnover13.98052wk High0.03%Turnover Ratio398.38MShares11.41852wk Low0.947EPS TTM2.77BFloat Cap13.980Historical High14.64P/E (Static)199.95MShs Float0.132Historical Low0.947EPS LYR1.01%Amplitude0.70Dividend TTM2.28P/B100Lot Size5.05%Div YieldTTM
105686621 gin : What is
"fair value loss in investments " refering to ?
105009686 105686621 gin : something like they loss in their investment portfolio?
105686621 gin : What portfolio was it ? Did they disclose in detail which investment ?
In my opinion ,they had not sold the 1.1 % pbbank share yet and unable to decide the best way to utilise the funds. Hence , there is no special dividend .