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Leo Palace21: 3rd Quarter Financial Results Briefing for the Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2025 Company Explanation and Q&A
Leopalace21's Nine-Month Profit Hikes 3.4%
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Leopalace 21 made the rankings, with the October to December period exceeding market expectations, resulting in an upward revision of the full-year Financial Estimates.
Leopalace21 <8848> has ranked (as of 14:30). Last weekend, the third quarter financial results were announced, with the operating profit for the October-December period at 8 billion yen, which is a 55.0% increase compared to the same period last year, falling approximately 1 billion yen short of market expectations. In addition to the rise in rent, it appears that selling, general and administrative expenses are also being kept in check. The full-year financial estimates have been raised from the previous 26.6 billion yen to 31 billion yen, an increase of 33.0% compared to the previous period. The consensus is also expected to be slightly above this level. Furthermore, a mid-term plan was announced in May, which also showed policies for shareholder returns.