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List of convertible stocks (Part 1) [List of Parabolic Signal convertible stocks]
○ List of stocks for Buy transition in the market Code Stock name Closing price SAR Main Board <167A> Ryosan Riyo 2571 2485 <1808> Haseko 2053 1950 <2168> Pasona 2020 1930 <2181> Persol HD 2322 225 <2296> Itoham Yonekyu 3755 3720 <2389> Digital HD 1478 1213 <2492> Info MT 3813 307 <2503> Kirin HD 19
List of breakout stocks (Part 1) [Ichimoku Kinko Hyo - List of breakout stocks]
○ List of stocks breaking through the clouds in the market Code Stock Name Closing Price Leading Span A Leading Span B Main Board <1762> Takamatsu G 2792 2763.25 2771 <1808> Haseko 2053 2024.75 1937.5 <1949> Sumitomo Electric Construction 4910 4883.75 4795 <2168> Pasona 2020 2014.52 2003 <2209> Imuraya G 2460 2453.25 2435
Info MT ETC [Stocks with intriguing potential seen from Volume changes]
Stock Name Closing Price Change Volume* <2526> NZAM 400 25285 35 14930* <2517> MXSJ REIT Core 1011.53.5 102090* <6149> Odawara Engine 1849219130500* <7092> FFJ 1456216368900* <4167> Cocopelli 39641347000* <3997> Trade Works 1573247194000* <249
Leopalace 21 made the rankings, with the October to December period exceeding market expectations, resulting in an upward revision of the full-year Financial Estimates.
Leopalace21 <8848> has ranked (as of 14:30). Last weekend, the third quarter financial results were announced, with the operating profit for the October-December period at 8 billion yen, which is a 55.0% increase compared to the same period last year, falling approximately 1 billion yen short of market expectations. In addition to the rise in rent, it appears that selling, general and administrative expenses are also being kept in check. The full-year financial estimates have been raised from the previous 26.6 billion yen to 31 billion yen, an increase of 33.0% compared to the previous period. The consensus is also expected to be slightly above this level. Furthermore, a mid-term plan was announced in May, which also showed policies for shareholder returns.
Tokio Marine raised its forecast on March 25, with ordinary profits projected at 1 trillion 380 billion yen, up from 1 trillion 240 billion yen.
Tokyo Marine <8766> announced a revision of the performance forecast for the fiscal year ending March 2025. Operating profit was revised upward from 1 trillion 240 billion yen to 1 trillion 380 billion yen, and net profit was raised from 880 billion yen to 1 trillion yen. Although the loss ratio related to Autos in the domestic insurance business is deteriorating, the sale of policy Stocks is expected to accelerate more than previously anticipated. The sales amount of policy Stocks is projected to be approximately 912 billion yen for the full year, increasing by 162 billion yen from the previous forecast. 【Positive Evaluation】 <8766> Tokyo Marine Quarterly | <4449> Giftie Full Year <2503> K
Leopalace21 Reports Modest Sales Growth but Anticipates Profit Decline