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Real Estate Worth $165 Billion Puts Japan Companies in Spotlight
List of Conversion Stocks (Part 1) [List of Parabolic Signal Conversion Stocks]
List of buy conversion stocks Market Code Stock name Closing price SAR Tokyo main board <1518> Mitsui Matsumoto HD 4220 4140 <1835> Tokei Industries 32153200 <2198> Aikeikei 734726 <2331> ALSOK 11251050 <2475> WDB 17381694 <2602> Nisshin Oillio 51105060 <2695> Kura Sushi 39603885 <2910>
Eslead: Half Year Report - Term 33 (2024/04/01 - 2025/03/31)
Eslead: Confirmation letter
List of stocks with cleared clouds (Part 2) [Ichimoku Kinko Hyo: List of Stocks with Cleared Clouds]
Top breakthrough stocks list on the market Code Company Closing Price Leading Span A Leading Span B Tokyo Stock Exchange Prime Board 7211 Mitsubishi Motors 460 392.5 430 7296 FCC 2397 2385.5 2236 7414 Ono Construction 1503 1497 1488 7420 Satori Electric 1918 1903.75 1865 7483 Doshisha 2204 2164.5 2186.5
Eslead: Summary of financial results for the 2nd quarter (interim period) for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2025 [Japanese GAAP] (consolidated)