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Sanfro A-REIT ETF --- Sale of properties for sale.
San Frontier A-REIT ETF <8934> announced on the 18th that it has decided to sell certain real estate for sale. The property in question is a land and building located in Chuo-ku, Tokyo. The transfer destination and transfer price are not disclosed due to confidentiality obligations, but the total transfer price is equivalent to more than 10% of the company's consolidated revenue for the fiscal year ending March 2024. Furthermore, there are no capital, personnel, or trade relationships with the transferee, and there are no issues concerning attributes. The contract and settlement date is scheduled for April 3, 2025.
Sun Frontier Fudousan Disposes of Tokyo Land, Buildings
Sunfro A-REIT ETF has been certified as a "Health Management Excellent Organization" for two consecutive years.
Sun Frontier A-REIT ETF <8934> announced on the 11th that it has been certified for the second consecutive year in 2024 as a "Health Management Excellent Corporation 2025 (Large Corporations Division)" selected by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Japan Health Conference. The Health Management Excellent Corporation Certification System recognizes corporations that consider employee health management from a business perspective and engage in strategic initiatives. The company is conducting sports training camps and club activities aimed at promoting employee health and enhancing internal communication.
List of conversion stocks (Part 4) [Parabolic Signal conversion stock list]
○ List of stocks that have switched to Sell Market Code Stock Name Closing Price SAR Main Board <7259> Aisin 1771 1807 <7283> Aisan Technology 1949 2068 <7322> Thirty-Three Financial 2213 2423 <7327> Daiichi Hokutetsu FG 2692 2835 <7350> Okinawa FG 2423 2585 <7354> DmMix 3013 17 <7380> Sixteen FG 4410 468
Sun Frontier Fudousan Mergers With Subsidiary UT Trading
Sunfro A-REIT ETF --- Change in Shareholder incentive program (Expansion of eligible hotels)
San Frontier A-REIT ETF <8934> announced on the 18th that it will expand the list of hotels eligible for the Shareholder benefit program starting from the June 2025 issuance. Three new hotels, "STITCH HOTEL Kyoto," "Tabi no Hotel Ishikari," and "Tabi no Hotel Kakogawa," scheduled to open in the 27th period (March 2026), will be added, bringing the total to 23 hotels available. In addition, the "JOYY Inc. American Depositary Shares" added as an eligible hotel in September 2024 will be available until June 30, 2025.