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Fukuoka REIT To Go Ex-Dividend On February 27th, 2025 With 4037 JPY Dividend Per Share
February 26th (Japan Standard Time) - $Fukuoka REIT(8968.JP)$ is trading ex-dividend on February 27th, 2025.Shareholders of record on February 28th, 2025 will receive 4037 JPY dividend per share.
Fukuoka REIT Extends 7 Billion Yen Credit Line by One Year
Fukuoka REIT: Notice regarding revisions (upward revisions) to operating forecasts and dividend forecasts for the fiscal year ending 2025/2
MITSUBISHI ESTATE ETC [Stocks with Interesting Features Based on Volume Changes]
Stock closing price, compared to the previous day, Volume * <2970> Good Life C 241733 7113900 * <3628> Data HR 49580 254400 * <3623> BS 157330 528600 * <3054> Hyper 30618 183200 * <7636> Handsman 8422 239000 * <6736> Sun Electronics 9760 650334100 * <1967> Yamato 1300 85100600 * <8968> Fukuoka REIT 140700 70012085 * <2
Express News | 【Change Report】Fukuoka Real Estate reports an increase in its shareholding of Fukuoka REIT (8968.JP) to 11.87%.
Fukuoka REIT: Securities Report (Domestic Investment Securities) - 40th Term (2024/03/01 - 2024/08/31)