586.76KMarket Cap0.56P/E (Static)
0.000High0.000Low0Volume0.000Open0.014Pre Close0.00Turnover0.22052wk High0.00%Turnover Ratio41.91MShares0.01252wk Low0.05EPS TTM332.56KFloat Cap1100.000Historical High0.56P/E (Static)23.75MShs Float0.012Historical Low0.025EPS LYR0.00%Amplitude--Dividend TTM0.20P/B1Lot Size--Div YieldTTM
下一个十年的雷熊 : Who is Adam Khoo?
MultiBaggers OP 下一个十年的雷熊 : Google “Adam Khoo” and you have your answers
下一个十年的雷熊 MultiBaggers OP :
下一个十年的雷熊 MultiBaggers OP : After checking it out, it's all many times better than that 8vi, and that 8vi is about to be delisted
MultiBaggers OP 下一个十年的雷熊 : Google Ken Chee and you will also have your answers. He has so much bad press about him and so many of his ex-students were misled by him during 2020 to 2022.
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