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Seibu Holdings Considers Sale of Key Property
Volume change rate ranking (13:00) - Ortz, Anges, etc. ranked in.
In the volume change rate ranking, you can understand the interest of market participants such as trends in speculation by comparing the volume of the latest 5-day average with the volume on the distribution day. Highest Volume Change Rate [as of November 20, 13:32] (Comparison with the latest 5-day average volume) Code => Stock => Volume => 5-day average volume => Volume change rate => Stock price change rate <7357> Geocode 1950003010.84 351.95% 0.0671% <9468> KADOKAWA 8362800
Insider increases its stake in Seibu Holdings(9024.JP) to 5.75%
On Nov 14, 3D Investment Partners Pte. Ltd. submitted the Change Report to Ministry of Finance. The report shows that 3D Investment Partners Pte. Ltd. increased their holdings in $Seibu Holdings(9024.
Nishimatsu Construction, Shin Nikkei Science, etc. (additional) Rating.
Upgraded - Bullish code stock name securities firm conventional changes after -------------------------------------------------- <7269> Suzuki MacCorley "Neutral" "Outperform" Downgraded - Bearish code stock name securities firm conventional changes after -------------------------------------------------- <9024> Seibu
List of Conversion Stocks (Part 1) [List of Parabolic Signal Conversion Stocks]
List of buy conversion stocks Market Code Stock name Closing price SAR Tokyo main board <1518> Mitsui Matsumoto HD 4220 4140 <1835> Tokei Industries 32153200 <2198> Aikeikei 734726 <2331> ALSOK 11251050 <2475> WDB 17381694 <2602> Nisshin Oillio 51105060 <2695> Kura Sushi 39603885 <2910>
Seibu Holdings: Confirmation letter
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