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Mitsukoshi Isetan, Tsumura, ETC (additional) Rating
Upgraded - Bullish Code Stock Name Brokerage Firm Previous After ------------------------------------------------------------ <8697> JPX GS "Sell" "Hold" <9719> SCSK City "2" "1" Downgraded - Bearish Code Stock Name Brokerage Firm Previous After ------------------------------------------------------------
Rating information (Target Price change - Part 2) = Mitsukoshi Isetan, Japan New Drug ETC.
◎Mizuho Securities (three-stage: Buy > Hold > underperform) Mitsukoshi Isetan <3099.T> - "Hold" → "Hold", 2400 yen → 2600 yen Sotetsu Holdings <9003.T> - "Hold" → "Hold", 2900 yen → 2700 yen Mitsui Trust Holdings <9302.T> - "Hold" → "Hold", 4800 yen → 8000 yen ◎Morgan Stanley MUFG Securities (three-stage: Overweight > Equal Weight > Underweight) Nippon Shinyaku <4516.T> - "Eico"
List of convertible stocks (Part 1) [List of Parabolic Signal convertible stocks]
○ List of stocks for Buy switch market Code Stock Name Closing Price SAR Tokyo Main Board <1414> ShoBond 5029 4910 <1885> Toa Construction 1190 1138 <1964> Chugai Boiler 3500 3205 <2288> Marudai Food 1664 1600 <2733> Arata 3220 3070 <2760> Tokyo Electron Device 3175 2888 <2815> Ariake 5570 4940 <2922> Natori 2
List of breakout stocks (Part 1) [Ichimoku Kinko Hyo - List of breakout stocks]
○ List of stocks above the clouds Market Code Stock Name Closing Price Leading Span A Leading Span B Tokyo Main Board <1852> Asanuma Company 653 632.75 652.5 <1893> Goyo Construction 636 631 631.5 <1898> Seiki Tokyu 1521 1500.5 1512.5 <1926> Light Industry 2226 2205 2204 <1963> JGC HD 1339 1288.25 1331.5 <196
Nippon Steel, operating profit for the third quarter decreased by 8.5% to 566.1 billion yen.
Nippon Steel <5401> announced its third quarter results for the fiscal year ending March 2025, reporting revenue of 6 trillion 552.4 billion 98 million yen, a 1.3% decrease compared to the same period last year, and an operating profit of 566.1 billion 25 million yen, an 8.5% decrease. For the fiscal year ending March 2025, revenue is planned to be 8 trillion 600 billion yen, a 3% decrease from the previous period. Additionally, the company announced the dissolution of its mutual investment relationship with Kobe Steel <5406>, which has continued since 2002, while business collaborations will continue. A review of the relationship of group companies and policy measures is underway.
MITSUI-SOKO HOLDINGS Reports Revenue Growth Amid Profit Declines