US Stock MarketDetailed Quotes

ABTS Abits

  • 0.630
  • +0.020+3.26%
Close Dec 4 16:00 ET
  • 0.650
  • +0.020+3.18%
Pre 08:36 ET
22.40MMarket Cap-2432P/E (TTM)

About Abits Company

Abits Group is a listed company whose executive office is located in Hong Kong, China and its main business is in North America. It has a new generation of data center, equipped with low energy consumption water-cooled S19XP ore box, engaged in Bitcoin self-mining business.

Company Profile

Company NameAbits
Listing DateNov 15, 2016
CEOMr. Conglin Deng
Fiscal Year Ends12-31
AddressLevel 11 Lee Garden One 33 Hysan Avenue Hong Kong
CityHong Kong

Company Executives

  • Name
  • Position
  • Salary
  • Conglin Deng
  • Chief Executive Officer and Director
  • 120.00K
  • Tan Wanhong
  • Chief Financial Officer
  • 120.00K
  • Panpan Wang
  • Director
  • 5.00K
  • Khuat Leok Choong
  • Independent Director
  • 9.00K
  • Chuan Zhan
  • Independent Director
  • 5.00K
  • Tao Xu
  • Independent Director
  • 5.00K
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