$AMC Entertainment (AMC.US)$I find it funny the same people are here saying to hold are same buried in this .33 stock (pre 10:1 r/s AA sold you all on) and the ones calling AMC a shit show thats over are the ones being called out 😂😂😂😂
Piggy Bank Trader
The last 6 YEARS, AMC has had 1 quarter profitability…….. 23/24 were losses. With its current losses, AMC will have another 4-6 quarters of losses (1 -1 1/2 years).
Piggy Bank Trader
and only 156 all-time high revenues for the company to even break free of its debt and turn profit. 100 year old company can't even break even.
$AMC Entertainment (AMC.US)$Well thats because they are near being out of shares to sell….!!!!! So 26’ will be a vote to R/S and reduce share count to then dilution machine go… brrrrrr because AMC will be low on cash.
Shortieis arn't goin to let it squeeze FTd's is another reason, if the law comes then maybe, always that, no since selling at a loss just in case, I may be out of line only please do not go back to the bank to buy dips with any stock, better ways to accumulate than that
$AMC Entertainment (AMC.US)$ And they made money, whene a stock is over valued and then some kind of crunch comes, then comes the Boo Hooin. under valued stocks are safer even if under pressure, a 30 or 40 cent correction is always better than ten dollars, percentage wise they may be close Boo Hooin wise no contest AMC, a safer stock
AMC Entertainment Stock Forum
So 26’ will be a vote to R/S and reduce share count to then dilution machine go… brrrrrr because AMC will be low on cash.
And they made money, whene a stock is over valued and then some kind of crunch comes, then comes the Boo Hooin. under valued stocks are safer even if under pressure, a 30 or 40 cent correction is always better than ten dollars, percentage wise they may be close Boo Hooin wise no contest AMC, a safer stock
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