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AMC Entertainment Options Spot-On: On January 8th, 117.89K Contracts Were Traded, With 1.84 Million Open Interest
Wall Street's Riskiest Stocks Are Melting Down as Retail Traders Face 'Day of Reckoning'
AMC Entertainment CEO Adam Aron Tells Shareholders He Feels Their Pain
AMC Entertainment Options Spot-On: On January 7th, 102.83K Contracts Were Traded, With 1.81 Million Open Interest
AMC Entertainment Options Spot-On: On January 6th, 158.67K Contracts Were Traded, With 1.81 Million Open Interest
Citi Says Avoid These Stocks in '25; SA Quant Ratings Says Not so Fast
70530241 : former holder that is giving investment advice much is Kenny paying you...why are you even here if you hold nothing?
StrykerAce 70530241 : You people are so fking delusional. I personally lost over 10k on this piece of crap stock as well… thank God I stopped listening to you amc shills about the same time as this guy. no need for “Kenny to pay me”… I had to stop the bleeding! AMC has lost 97% of its value from a few years ago. You people claiming and convincing others that amc will squeeze should be in jail!!
70530241 : you lose nothing till you sell....
70530241 70530241 : why post a comment or even look at the stock if you have no plans on jumping back in? Just blows my mind how people bash the stock but yet comment on it all the time!!!