KBB : relax haha
71124133 KBB : exactly! haha, take it easy. enjoy the ride!
slumpymoe : its been a bargain for like three months when will it do soemthing lmao
74939405 slumpymoe : lol
72571364 74939405 : I hate when people say that, than when it drop to $6 they say buy the dip
104661406 : hold or sell
72571364 : trash
101536448 : I bought it at the low yesterday and hold it. it closed low. The next day, it goes much lower and it can't really go back up. in the end I sold it without making money. I feel this stock couldn't hold. just my thought. I could be wrong.
103486466 101536448 : The recent ticket is only suitable for fluctuations, especially this one.
AI Theory 101536448 : Not many was able to hold this week.
HopelessNoob OP 101536448 : yeah im hoping it goes back up so i can get out lol
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