278.97BMarket Cap35.44P/E (TTM)
713.500High697.510Low1.77MVolume706.820Open697.700Pre Close1.25BTurnover0.45%Turnover Ratio35.44P/E (Static)393.42MShares1103.11952wk High14.52P/B278.84BFloat Cap644.08252wk Low6.48Dividend TTM393.24MShs Float1103.119Historical High0.91%Div YieldTTM2.29%Amplitude-6.427Historical Low705.882Avg Price1Lot Size
DJMA : 100% agree with every word
defishu : Many of these people have shorted and hope you sell to them at a Low Stock Price, then they will buy back and sell to you at a High Stock Price.