Canadian crude shipments to Los Angeles are surging, a possible preview of how a Trans Mountain expanded pipeline that’s nearing startup may redraw flows along the Pacific Coast. In March, three tankers carrying a total of 1.74 million barrels have sailed from Vancouver to Los Angeles, marking the highest volume in at least four years, according to Vortexa tanker data. At least two of the shipments of heavy Cold Lake crude from t...
The "Big Five" refers to Canada's five largest banks—Royal Bank of Canada, Toronto-Dominion Bank, Bank of Nova Scotia, Bank of Montreal, and Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce—which dominate and significantly influence the country's financial sector. The "Big Five" refers to Canada's five largest banks—Royal Bank of Canada, Toronto-Dominion Bank, Bank of Nova Scotia, Bank of Montreal, and Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce—which dominate and significantly influence the country's financial sector.
Living Stone : Thank you