196.67BMarket Cap17.22P/E (TTM)
82.790High82.155Low7.29MVolume82.630Open81.680Pre Close601.40MTurnover0.34%Turnover Ratio19.38P/E (Static)2.38BShares117.82052wk High1.51P/B176.44BFloat Cap65.21252wk Low2.05Dividend TTM2.14BShs Float308.377Historical High2.48%Div YieldTTM0.78%Amplitude55.240Historical Low82.518Avg Price1Lot Size
Alibaba Stock Forum
does this look like a growth stock?
Uptrend: The EMA line is sloping upwards, and the price is above the EMA line.
Downtrend: The EMA line is sloping downwards, and the price is below the EMA line.
Price Breaking through the EMA line: This may indicate a trend reversal or acceleration. Specific confirmation is required using other indicators.
Price Retracing to the EMA line:
In an uptrend, the EMA typically acts as a dynamic support.
In a downtrend, the EMA typically acts as a dynamic resistance.
Moomoo 2025 Lucky Angbao
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