No Data
Amada, Noritake, and other companies [List of stock material from the newspaper]
*Amada <6113> acquires H and F, gains large press machines (Nikkan Kogyo, front page) - ○ *Toyota <7203> domestic production maintains the level at 3.4 million units this year and upholds the supply chain (Nikkan Kogyo, front page) - ○ *Mitsubishi Logisnext <7105> develops low-cost battery-powered forklifts in China, decision expected in the first half of this year (Nikkan Kogyo, page 3) - ○ *Haseko Corp <1808> Mr. Kumano becomes president, replacing after five years, Mr. Ikegami becomes vice chairman (Nikkan Kogyo, page 3) - ○ *Norita <5331> Aluminum and low temperature.
President Trump signed an executive measure regarding Cryptos and AI 【Related stocks】
[Cryptos] It is reported that President Trump signed an executive order regarding Cryptos and Artificial Intelligence (AI) on the 23rd. Although details remain unclear, it could serve as a clue for related stocks. <8698> Monex Group <3825> Remix Point <6050> E-Guardian <4284> Solxyz <2315> CAICAD
The SEC is reviewing its regulatory policies regarding Cryptos.
[Cryptos] It has been reported that on the 21st, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) established a specialized team to review its regulatory policies on Cryptos. The aim is to shift from a traditional stance focused on cracking down on fraud to working on clarifying regulations as requested by the cryptocurrency industry, thereby promoting the industry as sought by the Trump administration. Attention may be drawn to the revival of related stocks, which are still adjusting after the Trump Trade cycle. <8698> Manek.
A UK hedge fund has developed a tool that surpasses Excel.
It is reported that Man Group, a hedge fund based in London, has developed its unique tool "Arctic DB" for analyzing large amounts of data at high speed and has begun commercializing it. Companies dealing with financial markets, especially those in Capital Markets, are said to be seeking increasingly advanced tech tools for rigorous data analysis.
List of cloud breakout stocks (weekly) [Ichimoku Kinko Hyo - List of cloud breakout stocks]
○ List of stocks that broke above the clouds Market Code Stock Name Closing Price Leading Span A Leading Span B Tokyo Stock Exchange Main Board <3139> Lacto JP 2982 2788 2504.5 <3349> Cosmos Pharmaceutical 7610 6693.57 248.5 <3922> PR TIMES 2047 1914.75 1877 <4732> USS 1340 1305.75 1333.5 <6454> Max 3665 359
List of converted stocks (Part 2) [List of converted stocks for Parabolic Signal]
○ List of stocks that have turned to Sell Market Code Stock Name Closing Price SAR Main Board <1663> K&O Energy 3535 3985 <1726> Br. HD 332346 <1893> Goyo Construction 637668 <1929> Nikko Construction 9821007 <1946> Toeneck 936993 <2198> IKKI 756774 <2579> Coca BJH 24432566 <268A> Rigaku 92998
105691280 : Very quiet stock for NTT!