Nippon Seiko, NTN ETC (additional) Rating
Target Price Change Code Stock Name Securities Company Previous After ------------------------------------------- <3402> TORAY INDS INC GS 1060 yen 1210 yen <3405> Kuraray GS 2540 yen 2900 yen <6752> Panasonic HD Mizuho 2050 yen 2160 yen <6471> Nissei Electric Nomura 800 yen 640 yen <6472> NTN Nomura 280 yen 260 yen
Makino Milling Machine ranked, converging on the TOB price.
Makino Milling Machine <6135> is ranked (as of 9:32 AM). It has significantly continued to rise. The ongoing TOB (Tender Offer) by Nidec Corporation Sponsored ADR <6594> is a clue. Nidec announced on the morning of December 27 last year that it would conduct a TOB (Tender Offer) for Makino Milling Machine. The purchase price is 11,000 yen per share, and on December 27 and 30, it reached the daily limit increase. Today, there is a movement aligning with the TOB price. High Volume Change Rate [January 6, 09:32 current]
January 6 [Today's Investment Strategy]
Provides solutions for management consulting, M&A advisory, management execution support, business revitalization, and more.
Japan Steel Corporation, Takatori, etc. [List of stock material from the newspaper]
*Japan Steel Manufacturing <5401> plans to prohibit the acquisition of United States Steel and is considering all measures (Nikkai Industrial page 2) - ○ *Honda <7267> is investigating hydrogen and local production and consumption with Nippon Steel Trading in Thailand (Nikkai Industrial page 7) - ○ *Suzuki <7269> is solving social issues in India and has signed a memorandum with two local organizations (Nikkai Industrial page 7) - ○ *Takatori <6338> develops a system to automatically stretch and separate fabric, improving sewing productivity (Nikkai Industrial page 8) - ○ *Mitsubishi Chemical Holdings <4188> is increasing production of Anode Material for Batteries, expanding capacity 2.8 times in Kagawa (
List of conversion stocks (Part 2) [List of stocks converted by Parabolic Signal]
○ List of stocks for Buy conversion Market Code Stock Name Closing Price SAR Main Board <4813> ACCESS 886 842 <4819> D Garage 38303655 <4839> WOWOW 1010978 <4919> Milbon 35553440 <4922> Kosei 71596798 <4923> COTA 16381590 <4971> Meck 34853200 <4973> Takashi
Recovery to 0.04 million yen level due to expectations for the New Year market.
The Nikkei average rose significantly for the third consecutive day. It ended at 40,281.16 yen, up 713.10 yen (with an estimated Volume of 2.1 billion 30 million shares), recovering to the 0.04 million yen level for the first time in about five and a half months since July 19. The yen rate weakened to around 158 yen to the dollar in the previous day's Overseas market, leading to early buying focused on export stocks such as Automobiles, and the Nikkei average started to rise. Just before the midday close, it recovered to the 0.04 million yen level for the first time in about two weeks. Afterwards, Semiconductor-related stocks and other high-value stocks continued to rise.
103492837 : Thank you for sharing
104088143 : What happened?
105742796 Learner : Electrical
RDK79 : Is this seriously a ‘question’? :)
Too : Autonomous driving will only destroy Tesla.
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