Reported Earlier, Fujitsu Joins Forces With FICO To Bring AI-Driven Risk And Engagement Solutions To Japanese Financial Institutions
Mitsubishi Electric Expands Footprint In China With New FA Systems HQ, Aiming For Agile Localized Operations
ELECOM, ASICS, ETC (additional) Rating
Downgrade - Bearish Code Stock Name Brokerage Company Previous Change After-------------------------------------------------------------<9204> Skymark Morgan S "Overweight" "Equal Weight" Target Price Change Code Stock Name Brokerage Company Previous Change After-------------------------------------------------------------<3861
IHI, Ono Sensor, etc. [List of stock materials from the newspaper]
*IHI <7013> increases production of Titanium Components for civilian aircraft engines, doubling the output at the Soma line in Fukushima (Nikkan Kogyo, front page) -○*Sumitomo Osaka Cement <5232> reduces manual workload by half using AI for shipping planning (Nikkan Kogyo, front page) -○*Suzuki <7269> halts some factories until the 21st (Nikkan Kogyo, page 3) -○*Shibaura Machinery <6104> acquires a mold cooling device company to improve the productivity of molding machines (Nikkan Kogyo, page 4) -○*MAZDA MOTOR CRP <7261> promotes electrification through a "light asset Global Strategy" while controlling investment amounts (Nikkan Kogyo
List of conversion stocks (part 2) [List of stocks converting with Parabolic Signals]
○ List of stocks for Buy reversal in the market Code Name Closing Price SAR Main Board <6080> M&A Capital 2961 2791 <6134> FUJI 22122128 <6141> DMG Mori Seiki 33853035 <6201> Toyota Industries 1355012365 <6209> Riken NPR 26742565 <6247> Hisaka Manufacturing 10171000 <6250> Yamabiko 25502407 <6
SBI Securities (pre-closing) Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group selling more, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries buying more.
Sell Code Stock Name Trading Amount (7011) Mitsubishi Heavy Industries 30,511,163,949 (7012) Kawasaki Heavy Industries 21,831,216,282 (5803) Fujikura 19,595,606,817 (8306) Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group 18,608,047,694 (1570) NEXT FUNDS Nikkei Average Leverage Listed Investment Trust 17,199,249,442 (6857) Advantest
102640653 : any update on hangseng index,alibaba,Tencent,byd.nio
Trader’s Edge OP 102640653 : Hi, i covered a couple of them during the weekly trader's edge webinar... If you missed the webinar, feel free to watch the replay! Cheers!