Timy and other stocks that are interesting based on changes in Volume.
Stock Closing Price Change from Previous Day Volume <2526> NZAM 400 25565 160 2800 <4179> Gene Next 36036204500 <2081> Policy Shareholding Elimination Promotion 125003399 <2498> Oricon HD 561044046900 <2524> NZAM TPX 2827.5 3.5 12460 <215A> Thailand
Interesting stocks from the perspective of volume changes such as Keisei.
Stock closing price compared to the previous day volume *<3494>* Marion 39,943,929,400 *<2015>* IF USA bonds 7-10H no 2,081,528,769 *<9006>* Keikyu 1,354.51 359,400 *<9009>* Keisei 437,053,117,950,100 *<4234>* San-Ai Kagaku 55,450,175,100 *<1379>* Hoku-to 173,420,834,100 *<2664>* Kawachi Yakuhin 24,901,241,500 *<9729>* Tokai 22,042,925,00.
Mitsui & Co., Ltd. and other stocks [Stocks with distinctive flavors from changes in trading volume]
Brand Closing Price Day-to-Day Change Volume <2090> Nochu Rice Bond 7H 5140 20000 <3461> Parma 403 65 747900 <6402> Kanematsu Engineer 1158 96 97500 <4558> Chuokyo Pharmaceuticals 221 10 9642600 <1619> Construction Materials 30030 10
Stocks with attractive potential based on volume changes in the area, etc.
Stock Closing Price Change Volume <8912>Lear 159 +15 2356900 <149A>Shinka 803 +49 1084900 <3796>Isetan Life 481 +37 42500 <2015>IF USA Debt 710H Non 2076 +12 21454 <6615>UMC Electronics 392 +36 324800 <7545>
Mitsubishi Electric, etc. [Strange brands seen from changes in turnover]
Stock closing price turnover compared to the previous day*<6360>Toji 3415 504 70000*<4762>XNET 1460 300 374100*<6888>Acmos 603 74 722300*<4584>Kids Bio 138 2 6178300*<2016>IF US Treasury 710 H has 1907 12
Volume change rate ranking (10:00) ~ Matsuya, Social Wire, etc. are ranked
* In the volume change rate ranking, it is possible to know the interest of market participants, such as shopping trends, by comparing the average turnover for the last 5 days with the turnover on the day of distribution. ■Top Volume Change Rate [as of 3/28 10:33] (Last 5 Day Average Volume Comparison) Stock Code Stock Name Volume 5 Day Average Volume Volume Change Rate Stock Price Change Rate <3929> Social Wire 192000 18900 263.49% 0.0077% <