Rating [Securities company ratings]
Upgraded - Bullish code stock name brokerage company previous change after------------------------------------------------------- <8334> Gunma Silver SBI "Hold" "Buy" <8411> Mizuho SBI "Hold" "Buy" <4568> Daiichi Sankyo Mizuho "Hold" "Buy" <6768> Tamura Manufacturing Morgan Stanley "Equal Weight" "Overweight" <1925> Daiwa House CLSA "Hold" "Outperform" Downgraded - Bearish code.
ORIX, Mitsui Chemicals, etc. [List of stock materials from the newspaper]
*ORIX <8591> sells its Indian subsidiary, reinvesting in next-generation energy through asset replacement (Nikan Kogyo, page 3) - ○ *Daiwa House <1925> raises annual income by 10%, starting salary for new graduates is 0.35 million yen (Nikan Kogyo, page 3) - ○ *Shimadzu Corporation <7701> opens a new factory in India, operational in spring 2027 (Nikan Kogyo, page 3) - ○ *Hitachi <6501> acquires a company in North America, selling and maintaining high-pressure motors (Nikan Kogyo, page 4) - ○ *Sojitz <2768> evaluates Sojitz, trucking for electric aircraft, this summer between Kitakyushu and Miyazaki - (Nikan Kogyo
A UK hedge fund has developed a tool that surpasses Excel.
It is reported that Man Group, a hedge fund based in London, has developed its unique tool "Arctic DB" for analyzing large amounts of data at high speed and has begun commercializing it. Companies dealing with financial markets, especially those in Capital Markets, are said to be seeking increasingly advanced tech tools for rigorous data analysis.
Toyota Industries, Asahi Kasei, etc. [List of stocks and materials from the newspaper]
* Nidec Corporation Sponsored ADR <6594> Maki No TOB, concerns in the Chinese mold industry, impact on supply balance (Nikkan Kogyo, page 1) - ○ * Toyota Industries <6201> aims for 7 times solar power, plans for Tahahama factory by 2035, also considering perovskite (Nikkan Kogyo, page 1) - ○ * Rohm <6963> appoints Mr. Higashi as president, structural reform without shying away from 'pain' (Nikkan Kogyo, page 3) - ○ * Honda <7267> plans to invest 15 billion yen in human resources over 5 years, recruitment of engineers and retraining of overseas talent (Nikkan Kogyo, page 3) - ○ * Mitsubishi Corporation <8058> partnership with JOGMEC and synthesis.
List of converted stocks (Part 2) [List of converted stocks for Parabolic Signal]
○ List of stocks that have turned to Sell Market Code Stock Name Closing Price SAR Main Board <1663> K&O Energy 3535 3985 <1726> Br. HD 332346 <1893> Goyo Construction 637668 <1929> Nikko Construction 9821007 <1946> Toeneck 936993 <2198> IKKI 756774 <2579> Coca BJH 24432566 <268A> Rigaku 92998
List of cloud-breaking stocks [Ichimoku Kinko Hyo - List of cloud-breaking stocks]
○ List of stocks that broke above the cloud in the market Code Stock Name Closing Price Leading Span A Leading Span B Tokyo Main Board <1417> Mirait One 2192 2187.25 2176 <2127> Japan M&A 648640.75 644.5 <2590> DyDo 3260 3247.5 3247.5 <2726> Pal HD 3160 3110.75 2833.5 <3028> Alpen 2083 2019.25 20
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