TOKAIHD, Sansan, ETC (additional) Rating
Rating Upgrade - Bullish Code Stock Name Brokerage Firm Previous Changed After-------------------------------------------------------------<2395> Shin Nihon Kagaku Nomura "Hold" "Buy" <3487> CRE Logistics Mizuho "Hold" "Buy" <6460> Sega Sammy HDS MBK Nikko "2" "1" <7240> NOK Morgan S "Equal Weight" "Overweight" <7832> Bandai Namco HDS MBK Day.
Ando Hazama has reached a new high [new high/new low update stocks].
The new high prices for stocks on the Main Board are Ando Hazama <1719> and Daiwa House Industry <1925> among 46 stocks. The new low prices for stocks on the Main Board are Findex <3649> and Advance Create <8798> among 2 stocks. "Main Board" "Standard Board" "Growth Board" New highs New lows New highs New lows New highs New lows 03/06 46219645 03/05 361512871 03/04 3232191751803/03 331.
Sakata Inks, artience ETC (additional) Rating
Upgraded - Bullish Code Stock Name Securities Company Previous After ----------------------------------------------------------- <2269> Meiji HD Morgan Stanley "Underweight" "Equal Weight" <2768> Sojitz Mizuho "Hold" "Buy" <3110> Nitto Boseki Daiwa "3" "2" <7011> Mitsubishi Heavy GS "Hold" "Buy" Downgraded - Bearish Code Stock Name Securities Company Previous After ---------------
MISUMI G Headquarters, TOPY Industries, etc.
Misumi G Headquarters <9962> is expanding variant and variable production, with a growth investment of 20 billion yen planned for the next fiscal year.
Google's new 3D technology [GAINIANBANKUAI today's focus theme]
It has been reported that Google and HP Inc are planning to launch a 3D (three-dimensional) video communication platform this year that can be used without wearing dedicated glasses or headsets. This initiative is said to provide a stronger sense of presence, as if all participants are in the same space during virtual meetings. <9984> SoftBank Group Corp <4447> PB Systems <6758> Sony Group Corp <4312> Cybernet System <46
Teijin, Sumitomo Chemicals, ETC [List of brand materials from the newspaper]
*Teijin <3401> shipped samples of electrode materials, miniaturizing the Fuel Cell Energy for Autos (Nikkan Kogyo, front page) — ○*Sumitomo Chemicals <4005> focuses on Agrochemicals and electronic materials with a new mid-term plan, solidifying its foundation for a return to growth (Nikkan Kogyo, page 3) — ○*Mercari <4385> enters the MVNO market, allowing the resale of unused gigabytes on 'Mercari' (Nikkan Kogyo, page 3) — ○*Nagase & Co. <8012> establishes a new investment fund, creating a new company to transform its materials business (Nikkan Kogyo, page 4) — ○*Mitsubishi Corporation <8058> supports the introduction of EV trucks for Pharmaceutical Logistics comprehensively.