Nissan Motor, Sumitomo Corporation, etc. [List of stock materials from the newspaper]
*Nissan Motor Company <7201> is in discussions for integration with Honda, planning to establish a holding company and considering a merger with Mitsubishi Motors (Nikkai Industrial Front Page) - ○ *Mitsubishi Heavy Industries <7011> appoints Mr. Ito as president, focusing on growth strategies in energy and defense (Nikkai Industrial Page 3) - ○ *NTT <9432> alongside eight major telecommunications companies, aims to restore disaster-affected communications networks quickly, expanding cooperation, sharing fuel supply bases and laying ships (Nikkai Industrial Page 3) - ○ *Mitsui Chemicals <4183> promotes decarbonization in the petrochemical sector, discussing details of collaboration among three companies (Nikkai Industrial Page 3) - ○ *Sumitomo Corporation <8053> participates in large-scale residential development in Australia, current.
Toyota Motor, Sumitomo Pharma, etc.
*Toyota <7203> ends production of the Lexus 'UX' and focuses on next-generation EVs (Nikkankogyo, page 1) - ○ *Honda <7267> aims to double hybrid vehicle production by 2030, targeting global sales of 1.3 million units per year (Nikkankogyo, page 1) - ○ *Sumitomo Pharma <4506> and Sumitomo Chemicals establish a new company for regenerative and cell medicine, aiming for a scale of 350 billion yen in the late 2030s (Nikkankogyo, page 3) - ○ *Tokyo Gas <9531> signs an agreement with McDonald's to supply renewable energy to 75 stores in the Kanto area (Nikkankogyo, page 3) - ○ *Japan Escon <8892> Mitsubishi Chemicals.
MIXI has updated its high price [New high and new low stocks updated].
The stocks updating new highs on the Main Board include Mirait Holdings <1417> and Daiwa House Industry <1925>, totaling 35 stocks. The stocks updating new lows on the Main Board include Tama Home <1419> and Dip <2379>, totaling 54 stocks. 'Main Board' 'Standard Section' 'Growth Section' New highs New lows New highs New lows New highs New lows 12/1735542661104012/1634473047123612/1341412245142312/127
Snow Brand Meg, Kobe Bussan ETC (additional) Rating
Changes in Target Price Code Stock Name Brokerage Firm Previous After ----------------------------------------------- <2270> Snow Brand Milk Mizuho 3250 yen 3300 yen <2282> Japan Ham Morgan Stanley 5300 yen 5400 yen <3038> Kobe Bussan Nomura 3800 yen 4000 yen <3402> TORAY INDS INC Morgan Stanley 980 yen 1210 yen <4681> Resort Trust Morgan Stanley 3450 yen 3700 yen <4681> Resort Trust
Omron, Asahi Kasei, ETC [List of stock materials from the newspaper]
*Omron <6645> introduced AI for tariff compliance, halving work time (Nikkan Kogyo, front page) - ○ *Asahi Kasei <3407> researching Battery durability, creating proposal-type Business (Nikkan Kogyo, page 3) - ○ *Mitsubishi Electric Corp. Unsponsored ADR <6503> established an air conditioning factory in the U.S., investing 22 billion yen, repurposing for Autos electrical equipment (Nikkan Kogyo, page 3) - ○ *NTT Data G <9613> development of system request forms, risk extraction with Generative AI, domestic use (Nikkan Kogyo, page 3) - ○ *Sojitz <2768> acquired renewable energy in Ireland, Europe's decarbonization.
List of conversion stocks (Part 3) [List of parabolic signal conversion stocks]
○ List of stocks that have switched to Sell Market Code Stock Name Closing Price SAR Main Board <6905> Kossel 1166 1218 <7095> Macbee P28002824 <7102> Nichisharyo 22282320 <7202> Isuzu 21292134 <7421> Kappa Create 16141644 <7545> Nishimatsuyachain 22992398 <7599> IDOM 11041136 <7679>
103677010 : noted