MonotaRO, Daio Paper, ETC (additional) Rating
Upgrades - Bullish Code Stock Name Broker Previous After ------------------------------------------------------------- <1911> Sumitomo Forestry SMBC Nikko "2" "1" <4062> Ibiden Morgan Stanley "Equal Weight" "Over Weight" <5333> Gaishi Mizuho "Hold" "Buy" Downgrades - Bearish Code Stock Name Broker Previous After ---------------------------
Google is reallocating resources to AI, ETC.
According to sources, Google, a subsidiary of Alphabet, has conducted layoffs in its cloud division to redirect resources towards investments in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and other areas. It is reported that major Technology companies are being urged to invest in AI technology without compromising on profits. <6702> Fujitsu <7046> TDSE <4011> Headwaters <3993> PKSHA
Petroleum resources, light industry, etc. (additional) Rating
Upgraded - Bullish Code Stock Name Brokerage Firm Previous Changed After-------------------------------------------------------------<268A> Rigaku Nomura "Hold" "Buy" <3626> TIS GS "Hold" "Buy" <4528> Ono Pharmaceutical City "3" "2" <6752> Panasonic HD Morgan Stanley "Equal Weight" "Over Weight" <7735> Screen Morgan Stanley "Equal Weight" "Over Weight"
Mitsubishi Chemical G, Aisan Industry, etc. [List of stock materials from the newspaper]
*Mitsubishi Chemical G <4188> expands space materials and develops thermal conductivity sheets for Communications (Nikkai Industrial, page 1) - ○ *Toyota Motor <7203> changes the structure of the board of directors and establishes an audit committee company (Nikkai Industrial, page 3) - ○ *Kddi Corporation <9433> AIDC verification environment in Shibuya, compatible with cutting-edge GPUs (Nikkai Industrial, page 4) - ○ *Aisin Seiki <7283> new medium-term plan, revenue of 550 billion yen in fiscal 30, expansion of engine systems (Nikkai Industrial, page 4) - ○ *Honda <7267> achieves top rank in traffic safety initiatives.
List of convertible stocks (Part 1) [List of Parabolic Signal convertible stocks]
○ List of stocks for Buy conversion in the market Code Stock Name Close Price SAR Tokyo Main Board <2109> DM Mitsui Sugar 3475 3355 <2181> Persol HD 241 225 <2269> Meiji HD 3070 2871 <2292> S FOODS 2372 2296 <2331> ALSOK 10921040 <2378> Renaissance 1
Mitsubishi Corporation etc. [Stocks with appeal seen from Volume changes]
Closing prices compared to the previous day Volume *<9257>* YCP 67,670,578,000 *<9812>* Teo HD 27,213,291,900 *<7426>* Yamadai 14,991,838,570,000 *<4558>* Chukyo Pharmaceutical 2,072,426,900 *<4220>* Riken Technos 10,252,654,390,000 *<7353>* KIYO 788,100,143,700 *<1629>* Trading companies wholesale 782,803,730,371,000 *<1482>* i Share 165,420,100,362 *<312
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104874106 : Nice!