SBI Securities (before closing) has a strong Sell for Mitsubishi Corporation and a strong Buy for Mitsubishi Heavy Industries.
Sell Code Stock Name Transaction Amount (7011) Mitsubishi Heavy Industries 38,626,542,061 (5803) Fujikura 26,600,358,781 (8306) Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group 19,997,540,150 (7012) Kawasaki Heavy Industries 14,461,582,720 (7013) IHI 11,333,718,950 (6857) Advantest 10,916,882,074 (1570
Rating [Securities companies rating]
Upgrades - Bullish Code Stock Name Brokerage Firm Previous Change After --------------------------------------------------------------- <4385> Mercari Morgan Stanley "Equal Weight" "Overweight" <8031> Mitsui & Co. SBI "Hold" "Buy" <3861> Oji Holdings Okasan "Hold" "Bullish" Downgrades - Bearish Code Stock Name Brokerage Firm Previous Change After --------------------------
List of conversion stocks [List of parabolic signal conversion stocks]
○ List of Stocks for Buy Change Market Code Stock Name Closing Price SAR Tokyo Main Board <1812> Kashima 3125 <1820> Nishimatsu Construction 50264816 <1946> Toenek 1011957 <1950> Japan Electric Utility 21992096 <1951> Exeo Group 17691711 <2121> MIXI 34203290 <2154> Open UP 18681756 <25
American companies are seeking AI skills in hiring IT personnel.
[Generative AI] Regardless of the industry, it seems that companies in the USA tend to seek AI skills when hiring IT personnel. Reports indicate that about a quarter of IT job postings in the USA require AI skills, according to job data. In addition to the 'Information' field, 'Financial' companies such as Banks and consulting firms, as well as 'Specialty Services' companies, are said to be looking for Technology personnel who can use or build AI Algorithms and AI models.
Mitsubishi Electric Expands Footprint In China With New FA Systems HQ, Aiming For Agile Localized Operations
ELECOM, ASICS, ETC (additional) Rating
Downgrade - Bearish Code Stock Name Brokerage Company Previous Change After-------------------------------------------------------------<9204> Skymark Morgan S "Overweight" "Equal Weight" Target Price Change Code Stock Name Brokerage Company Previous Change After-------------------------------------------------------------<3861