First time trading and looking at warrants, friendly advice just keep in cash reserve collect interest until you learn a lot lot lot more. You're typically what market makers welcome, the turkey asking for christmas... Nothing personal, in fact you're exit liquidity for many seasoned players.
USA conducts presidential handover at 10 a.m. USA time. The Trump administration advocates interest rate cuts, which is not good for the entire banking industry. Should sell off.
104574217 : If you are asking this question, you probably need to do more research.
Saeed Malik OP 104574217 : How and where do I do this research?
All Also Taken : Buy the stock not the warrant. Why would you buy the warrant?
Saeed Malik OP All Also Taken : I don't know this is my first time Trading
PokaiTrader : First time trading and looking at warrants, friendly advice just keep in cash reserve collect interest until you learn a lot lot lot more. You're typically what market makers welcome, the turkey asking for christmas...
Nothing personal, in fact you're exit liquidity for many seasoned players.
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