January 24 [Today's Investment Strategy]
[Fisco Selected Stocks] 【Material Stocks】 Cybozu <4776> 2641 yen (1/23) Engaged in the development, sales, and operation of groupware such as 'kintone.' It was announced that the year-end Dividends for the fiscal year ending December 2024 would be set at 30 yen (annual Dividends). For the fiscal year ended December 2023, it was 14 yen. It was also announced that the year-end Dividends for the fiscal year ending December 2025 would be set at 40 yen (annual Dividends). Expectations for performance, potential for necessary investments for continuous business growth, cash flow.
Attention is focused on Cybozu and Aizawa Securities G.
In the American stock market on the 23rd, the Dow Jones Industrial Average rose by 408.34 points to 44,565.07, the Nasdaq composite index increased by 44.34 points to 20,053.68, and the Chicago Nikkei 225 futures were up by 30 yen compared to the Osaka daytime at 39,920 yen. The exchange rate was 1 dollar = 156.00-10 yen. Today in the Tokyo market, J.S.B. <3480>, which announced a Financial Estimates of a 12.8% increase in operating profit for the previous period and a 5.0% increase for the current period, stated in their earnings report that the cumulative operating profit for the third quarter was 2.5 compared to the same period last year.
List of converted stocks (Part 2) [List of converted stocks for Parabolic Signal]
○ List of stocks for Buy conversion in the market Code Stock name Closing price SAR Main Board <6981> Murata Manufacturing 2500 2309 <7011> Mitsubishi Heavy 2266 2042 <7092> FFJ 1315 1273 <7259> Aisin 1717 1656 <7269> Suzuki 1867 1706 <7282> Toyota Industries 2685 2591 <7313> TS Tech 1753 1710 <7447> Nagai
List of cloud-breaking stocks [Ichimoku Kinko Hyo - List of cloud-breaking stocks]
○ List of stocks breaking through the cloud market Code Stock Name Closing Price Leading Span A Leading Span B Tokyo Main Board <2492> Info MT 325 283.75 320 <2931> Euglena 4324 17.75 429.5 <3110> Nitto Boseki 6720 6007.56 575 <3388> Meiji Electric 1417 1390.25 1411.5 <3546> Alinza HD 1091 1078 1089 <3
Saltwater sugar ETC [Stocks with intriguing qualities based on Volume changes]
Stock closing price compared to the previous day Volume *<4240>* Cluster T 244211103900 *<2112>* Brine Sugar 366505657300 *<3909>* Showcase 313182287900 *<4891>* TIMS 233224290600 *<4059>* Mag Mag 6133843800 *<2321>* Soft Front 119175342400 *<7611>* Heide Hidaka 27982481095600 *<7997>* Kurogane Works 804647960
Jelly beans, globbing, and others.
<277A> Groving Stock Splits, 5 shares to 1 share <3070> Jelly Beans ANAP <3189> entered into a business partnership <3479> TKP expanded its Shareholder benefits program <9256> Succeed acquired shares of Mingaku, which specializes in the educational sector, and is involved in the planning, development, and Operation of the generative AI platform 'School AI' and made it a subsidiary.