US Morning News Call | Trump Orders Development of AI Action Plan and Intensifies Removal of Biden's AI Efforts
January 24 [Today's Investment Strategy]
[Fisco Selected Stocks] 【Material Stocks】 Cybozu <4776> 2641 yen (1/23) Engaged in the development, sales, and operation of groupware such as 'kintone.' It was announced that the year-end Dividends for the fiscal year ending December 2024 would be set at 30 yen (annual Dividends). For the fiscal year ended December 2023, it was 14 yen. It was also announced that the year-end Dividends for the fiscal year ending December 2025 would be set at 40 yen (annual Dividends). Expectations for performance, potential for necessary investments for continuous business growth, cash flow.
Jelly beans, globbing, and others.
<277A> Groving Stock Splits, 5 shares to 1 share <3070> Jelly Beans ANAP <3189> entered into a business partnership <3479> TKP expanded its Shareholder benefits program <9256> Succeed acquired shares of Mingaku, which specializes in the educational sector, and is involved in the planning, development, and Operation of the generative AI platform 'School AI' and made it a subsidiary.
President Trump signed an executive measure regarding Cryptos and AI 【Related stocks】
[Cryptos] It is reported that President Trump signed an executive order regarding Cryptos and Artificial Intelligence (AI) on the 23rd. Although details remain unclear, it could serve as a clue for related stocks. <8698> Monex Group <3825> Remix Point <6050> E-Guardian <4284> Solxyz <2315> CAICAD
United U, Yusen etc. (additional) Rating
Upgraded - Bullish Code Stock Name Brokerage Firm Previous After -------------------------------------------------------- <8136> Sanrio SMBC Nikko "2" "1" <8766> Tokio Marine JPM "Neutral" "Over W" Downgraded - Bearish Code Stock Name Brokerage Firm Previous After ---------------------------------------------------
January 23 [Today's Investment Strategy]
[Fisco Selected Stocks] [Material Stocks] Gokurakuyu Holdings <2340> 470 yen (1/22) operates bath facilities under the "Gokurakuyu" and "RAKU SPA" brands. It was announced that a business partnership was formed with Hinata no Mori, a group company of Nishi Nihon Gas Holdings <9536>, which operates the bath facility "Hinata no Mori Kodo no Yudokoro". In addition to conducting promotional events organized by Gokurakuyu at "Hinata no Mori Kodo no Yudokoro", there will also be joint development of products and services related to the bathing business.