Lear --- Completed the settlement for the sale of A-REIT ETF located in Meguro, Tokyo.
Realgate <5532> announced on the 19th that the settlement has been completed regarding the sale of A-REIT ETF announced on December 5, 2024. The property name is "OMB MEGURO NAKACHO", and the condition of the property is land and buildings, with a structure of a steel and reinforced concrete building with a basement floor and four above-ground floors, located in Meguro-ku, Tokyo. The completion date of the sale settlement is March 19, 2025.
March 21 [Today's investment strategy]
[Fisco Select Stocks]【Material Stocks】Gunosy <6047> 582 yen (3/19) provides an information curation service that collects data online and delivers it to users. Announced a change in shareholder return policy. For the time being, it plans to consistently implement dividends of 3% or more of the shareholder capital return rate (DOE) every period. Additionally, it will appropriately combine the acquisition of its own shares to return to shareholders. At the same time, it announced that the year-end dividend for the fiscal year ending May 2025 will be set at 18.30 yen.
Ascot, Central Paper Container Industry, ETC.
<3264> Ascot Daito Contract Co., Ltd. Shareholding ratio of Stocks -% → 96.08% Reporting obligation date 2025/03/18 <3952> Chuo Paper Container Co., Ltd. Nikkon Holdings Co., Ltd. Shareholding ratio of Stocks -% → 67.68% Reporting obligation date 2025/03/18 <8585> Orient Corporation Itochu Corporation Shareholding ratio of Stocks 14.32% → 10.54% Reporting obligation date.
Pay attention to Gunosy and Kakaku.com.
On the 19th, before the Tokyo market closed, the NY Dow Jones Industrial Average rose by $383.32 in the US stock market, while on the 20th, it fell by $11.31 to $41,953.32. The Nasdaq Composite Index rose by 246.67 points on the 19th, and on the 20th, it decreased by 59.16 points to 17,691.63. Yesterday, the Chicago Nikkei 225 Futures were down 65 yen compared to Osaka during the day, standing at 37,435 yen. The exchange rate is 1 dollar = 148.70-80 yen. In today's Tokyo market, Kakaku.com revised upward its financial estimates for the fiscal year ending March 2025 and announced a mid-term management plan.
List of conversion stocks [List of parabolic signal conversion stocks]
○ List of Stocks for Buy Change Market Code Stock Name Closing Price SAR Tokyo Main Board <1812> Kashima 3125 <1820> Nishimatsu Construction 50264816 <1946> Toenek 1011957 <1950> Japan Electric Utility 21992096 <1951> Exeo Group 17691711 <2121> MIXI 34203290 <2154> Open UP 18681756 <25
Platz, SBI Reos, and others.
<165A> SBI Reos Share Buyback, with a maximum of 6 million shares (5.80% of total issued shares) to be purchased on the 21st through ToSTNeT-3. <244A> Growth Expand has signed a joint venture agreement for the establishment of a subsidiary in the state of Kerala. <3479> TKP has completed the acquisition of its own stocks. <4387> ZUU has acquired shares of the magazine "Keizaikai", which publishes economic news, and has made it a subsidiary. <4495> iCubed has introduced a Shareholder preferential treatment system. <4572> Karnabi Bio has made an investment in Sumitomo.