Nippon Electric Glass, Japan Post Insurance, ETC (Additional) Rating
Upgraded - Bullish Code Stock Name Securities Company Previous Changed After ---------------------------------------------------------- <6807> Wireless Electronics Macquarie "Neutral" "Outperform" Target Price Change Code Stock Name Securities Company Previous Changed After ---------------------------------------------------------- <3349> Cosmos Pharma
March 14 [Today's Investment Strategy]
[Fisco Select Stock]【Material Stock】Sea E.C. <9692> 1947 yen (March 13) provides ICT services. It was announced that a Share Buyback will be implemented, amounting to 1.2 million shares, which is 3.74% of the total issued shares, with a cap of 2 billion yen. The acquisition period will be from March 14, 2025, to October 31. All of the acquired shares will be canceled on January 16, 2026. At the same time, the financial results for the year ending January 2025 were announced. The operating profit is 6.696 billion yen (an increase of 5.3% compared to the previous period). For the fiscal year ending January 2026.
Ailick---Started operations with the PayPay Insurance "Corona Treatment Drug Relief Fund."
Iric Corporation <7325> announced on the 11th that its AI-OCR service "Smart OCR Medical Statement," which is one of the functions of the life insurance ecosystem "Life Insurance Benefit Payment Platform" developed in collaboration with other companies, will start being used for business on January 28, 2025, with the PayPay insurance "Corona Treatment Drug Sympathy Payment" from Aial Small-Amount Short-Term Insurance. As a result, Aial Small-Amount Short-Term Insurance will achieve an efficient process for insurance payment assessment.
List of convertible stocks (Part 1) [List of Parabolic Signal convertible stocks]
○List of stocks for Buy conversion Market Code Stock Name Closing Price SAR Main Board <1949> Sumitomo Electric Industries 4500 4115 <1976> Meisei Industry 12271192 <2120> LIFULL 165157 <2220> Kameda Seika 40003850 <2222> Kotobuki Spirits 23532281 <2395> Shin Nikko Science 15171386 <2585> Life Drink C 15751398 <2
SBSHD, Kirin HD, etc. (additional) Rating.
Upgrades - Bullish Code Stock Name Securities Company Previous After -------------------------------------------------------------- <4971> Meck Morgan Stanley "Equal Weight" "Overweight" <5831> Shizuoka Financial Group Morgan Stanley "Equal Weight" "Overweight" <5838> Rakuten Bank Morgan Stanley "Equal Weight" "Overweight" Downgrades - Bearish Code Stock Name Securities Company Previous After --------
List of conversion stocks (Part 4) [Parabolic Signal conversion stock list]
○ List of stocks that have switched to Sell Market Code Stock Name Closing Price SAR Main Board <7259> Aisin 1771 1807 <7283> Aisan Technology 1949 2068 <7322> Thirty-Three Financial 2213 2423 <7327> Daiichi Hokutetsu FG 2692 2835 <7350> Okinawa FG 2423 2585 <7354> DmMix 3013 17 <7380> Sixteen FG 4410 468