Asahi, MonotaRO ETC (additional) Rating
Upgrades - Bullish Code Stock Name Securities Company Previous Change After -------------------------------------------------------------- <4385> Mercari Morgan Stanley "Equal Weight" "Overweight" Downgrades - Bearish Code Stock Name Securities Company Previous Change After ----------------------------------------------------------------- <3
Fujitsu, Iwatani Industrial, etc. [List of stock materials from the newspaper]
*Fujitsu <6702> achieves the world's highest efficiency of 85.2% with GaN (Nikkankogyo, page 1) -○*SoftBank Group <9984> acquires a US semiconductor design company to enhance AI infrastructure (Nikkankogyo, page 3) -○*Mitsubishi Electric Corp. Unsponsored ADR <6503> establishes a new FA headquarters in China to promote product planning and sales locally (Nikkankogyo, page 4) -○*Iwatani Corporation <8088> cancels hydrogen business in Australia and will consider future policies including alternatives (Nikkankogyo, page 4) -○*Insource <6200> undertakes employee training from Oita and Nakatsu (Nikkankogyo, page 5) -
List of conversion stocks [List of parabolic signal conversion stocks]
○ List of Stocks for Buy Change Market Code Stock Name Closing Price SAR Tokyo Main Board <1812> Kashima 3125 <1820> Nishimatsu Construction 50264816 <1946> Toenek 1011957 <1950> Japan Electric Utility 21992096 <1951> Exeo Group 17691711 <2121> MIXI 34203290 <2154> Open UP 18681756 <25
Earlier session / Active stocks and traded stocks [Active stocks and traded stocks]
*Daisue Construction <1814> 1962 +157 viewed as a Buy due to a significant Shareholding. *Tanseisha <9743> 1116 +66 continues to be positively received for its forecast of double-digit profit growth and planned dividend increase. *Yamashin Filter <6240> 631 +31 also has pointers such as the quarterly report. *Taiyo Yuden <6976> 2673 +131 is particularly lacking in materials, making short covering a dominant trend. *IHI <7013> 11790 +520 expansion in private aviation engine Components.
Keiyo Gas - Realizing new value creation through investment in Studist.
Keiyo Gas <9539> announced on the 14th an investment in Studist, which provides a cloud-based manual creation and sharing system called "Teachme Biz." Studist, with the Task Center of "Changing the way we work and the future from operations," offers operational support services for corporations, and by providing the manual creation and sharing system "Teachme Biz" and Consulting Services, it aims to enhance productivity and address the labor shortage in companies.
ELECOM, ASICS, ETC (additional) Rating
Downgrade - Bearish Code Stock Name Brokerage Company Previous Change After-------------------------------------------------------------<9204> Skymark Morgan S "Overweight" "Equal Weight" Target Price Change Code Stock Name Brokerage Company Previous Change After-------------------------------------------------------------<3861