Teijin, Sumitomo Chemicals, ETC [List of brand materials from the newspaper]
*Teijin <3401> shipped samples of electrode materials, miniaturizing the Fuel Cell Energy for Autos (Nikkan Kogyo, front page) — ○*Sumitomo Chemicals <4005> focuses on Agrochemicals and electronic materials with a new mid-term plan, solidifying its foundation for a return to growth (Nikkan Kogyo, page 3) — ○*Mercari <4385> enters the MVNO market, allowing the resale of unused gigabytes on 'Mercari' (Nikkan Kogyo, page 3) — ○*Nagase & Co. <8012> establishes a new investment fund, creating a new company to transform its materials business (Nikkan Kogyo, page 4) — ○*Mitsubishi Corporation <8058> supports the introduction of EV trucks for Pharmaceutical Logistics comprehensively.
March 4th [Today's Investment Strategy]
[Fisco Selected Stocks]【Material Stocks】Flight Solutions <3753> 182 yen (3/3) Engaged in system development and IT consulting. Announced collaboration with Mitsubishi UFJ Bank to begin market development using the payment network "SP-NET" provided by Mitsubishi UFJ Bank. "SP-NET" significantly reduces costs related to payment processing by specializing in necessary functions, and by combining it with Flight's solutions,
Pay attention to Toyota and Kyowa Hakko Kirin, while Itoen seems to be soft.
Yesterday, on the 3rd, the U.S. stock market saw the Dow Jones Industrial Average drop by $649.67 to 43,191.24, the Nasdaq Composite Index decrease by 497.09 points to 18,350.19, and the Chicago Nikkei 225 Futures fall by 550 yen compared to the Osaka daytime at 37,310 yen. The exchange rate is 1 dollar = 149.40-50 yen. In today's Tokyo market, the company Toitec <9960>, which announced a commemorative dividend for its 70th anniversary, and Toyota <7203>, which announced the introduction of a shareholder benefits program, are also considering a buyback of 1.08% of its issued shares.
INPEX, Haseko etc. (additional) Rating
Upgrades - Bullish Code Stock Name Securities Company Previous After ----------------------------------------------------------- <1979> Taiki SMBC Nikko "2" "1" <4887> Sawai GHD Nomura "Neutral" "Buy" <5706> Mitsui Gold Daiwa "3" "2" <9508> Kyushu Electric Nomura "Neutral" "Buy" Downgrades - Bearish Code Stock Name Securities Company Previous After --------
March 3rd [Today's investment strategy]
[Fisco Selected Stocks]【Material Stocks】Raccoon Holdings <3031> 855 yen (as of 2/28) operates a wholesale and procurement site for businesses in the Clothing and miscellaneous goods sector. The financial estimates for the period ending April 2025 have been revised. The ordinary profit is estimated at 1.4 billion yen (2.6 times compared to the previous period). This is a 12% increase from the previous estimate. Revenue and operating profit have not been revised, but due to the inclusion of investment business partnership operating profits in non-operating income, ordinary profit and net profit have been revised upward. The year-end dividends will be set at 12 yen.
Hokuriku Electric Utilities and other interesting stocks seen from Volume changes.
Stock closing prices compared to the previous day Volume* <2642> SMT Low Carbon Japanese Stocks 355300610 * <3187> Miratap 33626739200 * <3001> Katakura 2135174785400 * <6744> Nomi Fire Prevention 3210185375400 * <9505> Hokuriku Electrical Utilities 832.8445471800 * <7299> Fuji Oze 12516644500 * <7287> Nippon Seiki 1112181370500 * <2613> J Oil 20033539500 * <