Stocks that moved and those that were traded in the front market.
*Miyakoshi HD <6620> 1311 +132 viewed positively due to progress on a project in China. *NINTENDO CO LTD <7974> 11300 +535 Goldman Sachs Group Inc has resumed coverage with a rating of "Buy." *Konica Minolta <4902> 550 +25.4 announced the transfer of all shares of its German subsidiary. *Sanki Engineering <1961> 3500 +160 Tokai Tokyo Securities has raised the Target Price. *JMDC <4483> 2902 +130 supported by the decline in U.S. long-term interest rates, etc.
Kyowa Kirin, Pola Orbis HD, etc. (additional) Rating.
Target Price Change Code Stock Name Securities Company Previous Changed After-------------------------------------------<5406> Kobe Steel Morgan Stanley 1700 yen 1900 yen <5411> JFE Morgan Stanley 1900 yen 2150 yen <7956> Pigeon Daiwa 1520 yen 1890 yen <8750> Dai-ichi Life HD Morgan Stanley 5310 yen 5450 yen <8795> T&D HD Morgan Stanley 3290 yen 3360 yen <9201> JAL GS29
Toda Kogyo plans to record a special loss for the fiscal year ending March 2025.
TODA INDUSTRIES <4100> announced on the 19th that it plans to recognize a special loss for the fiscal year ending in March 2025. The company expects that the demand for materials for copiers and printers, which is part of its regeneration and transformation business, has decreased more than anticipated, leading to a continuous negative impact on its operating profit and loss. In response, the company reassessed the future recoverability of its business and shared assets it holds under the 'Accounting Standards for Impairment of Fixed Assets,' resulting in an impairment loss of approximately 0.5 billion yen.
Toda Factory --- Dissolution and liquidation of subsidiary.
TODA Industries <4100> announced on the 19th that it will dissolve its subsidiary, TODA Advanced Materials Inc. (TAM), located in Canada, and proceed with liquidation. TAM has been manufacturing and selling materials for lithium-ion batteries (LIB) and has built a production system in response to the growth of the EV market. However, sales have stunk due to the slowdown in the growth of the EV market and the decline of existing products. The company considered regeneration through collaboration, but ultimately abandoned the idea as investment was postponed due to the market environment.
March 26 [Today's Investment Strategy]
[Fisco Selected Stocks]【Material Stocks】Hokko Metal<5446> 1,350 yen (March 25) Electric furnace manufacturer. The profit forecast for the fiscal year ending March 2025 has been revised upward. The operating profit is projected to be 0.65 billion yen (a 23.1% increase compared to the previous period). This is an increase of about 8% from the previous forecast. Although the revenue forecast has been revised downward, the profit forecast has been revised upward. The decline in the price of the main raw material, scrap iron, has been more favorable than initially expected, and efforts were made to maintain product prices. The year-end dividends will be set at 35 yen. The previous forecast was 2.
Eisai, Taiyo Yuden, ETC [List of stock materials from the newspaper]
*V Technology <7717> enters laser dicing, aiming for practical use next year (Nikkan Kogyo, front page) -○ *Kanadevia <7004> implements measures to prevent recurrence of marine engine fuel economy fraud (Nikkan Kogyo, page 3) -○ *Eisai <4523> plans to reduce 30 billion yen by FY2026, optimizing the organization (Nikkan Kogyo, page 3) -○ *Petroleum Resource Development <1662> sells its UK subsidiary for 33.6 billion yen in oil field development (Nikkan Kogyo, page 4) -○ *ENEOSHD <5020> ENEOS produces lubricants and more at the Yokohama plant.