Santa Rally brings together a series of US-listed companies that are likely to benefit during the holiday shopping season, ranging from traditional retail giants to emerging e-commerce platforms, and from home improvement chains to payment service providers. This sector comprehensively reflects the diversified needs and consumption patterns of modern consumers during the holiday period. These companies typically experience sales peaks during the Christmas season and are therefore viewed as Christmas concept stocks.
Peter Lynch's Four-Step Stock Market Guide: 'Buy What You Know, Read Presentations, Know Market Cycle and Summarize Your Thesis'
Oscar Night Is Nigh! A Quick Refresher for the Upcoming Academy Awards
Earnings Week Ahead: TGT, COST, CRWD, AVGO, JD, PLUG, MRVL, and More
What to Expect in the Week Ahead (Earnings from AVGO, COST; Trump Tariffs; February Jobs)
Over 60% of Companies Post EPS Beats This Week-Earnings Scorecard
Insider Trades: Coca Cola, Walmart Among Notable Names This Week
Scorched earf : March is historically a terrible month. but we will see.
72571364 Scorched earf : that's a lie. February is
74771965 Scorched earf : its not actually. historically march is positive— the bad months are typivally sept, feb ans may